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Mimi removed her jersey and joggers from her locker, immediately she closed the locker, she met face to face with Christy.

"I can't believe you still want to keep on attending dance classes," Christy started and Mimi rolled her eyes. Not like she posed a threat to Christy or something, why on Earth was she on her case?

"See dance classes isn't for people like you, we don't catch fun there, we work, mind you we are going for a dance competition next week and I wouldn't want you disgracing our school so it's better you opt out."

"And why would she?" Tife's voice came from the end of the locker room, Mimi turned to her with a grateful smile.

Christy folded her arms, "I never knew you were her spokesperson."

"Now you know," Tife chuckled and Christy crinkled her nose.

"Anyway, since, you're a spokesperson, you should be able to talk to her, tell her to stop wasting her time."

Tife crossed her legs as she rested on the lockers, "Are you afraid?"

Christy scoffed, "Why would I be afraid of this thing?" She dashed Mimi a disgusting look and Mimi hissed in return.

"Then you're insecure," Tife clapped, "Now, I get, you're afraid she might beat you, you're the best dancer and you don't want anyone taking it away from you right?"

Christy rolled her eyes, "Stop spluttering rubbish."

Tife pursed her lips, "Don't worry, Mimi won't beat you now but when she starts working hard, she'll surely
beat you but then who knows? Mimi might take that position from you know, if there's one thing I know about her, it's her passion for dancing."

Mimi glanced at Tife in surprise, Dancing was more of a passtime to her than a passion, Tife had only seen her dance once at home.

Christy scoffed, "You're just saying gibberish, I only came here to warn her."

"Warn her about what? To stop dancing? Stop coming to dance class or what?"

Christy rolled her eyes, she huffed and glanced at Mimi before strutting away.

"Ignore her you hear, if she tries to bully you, the music room is just down the hall, call me," she patted Mimi's shoulder and Mimi smiled at her before she walked away.

Mimi let out her breath before walking into the dance studio where she met them doing the dance warm up class according to their instructor.

Mimi was shocked to see Alex at the studio doing the warm up, ever since she'd been coming, she'd never laid her eyes on him, the only guys she knew were always present was Kingsley, Laiq and a guy called Malik from Fara's class. He winked at her and she felt like puking.

After the warm up class, their instructor explained some steps to them which would have to be done with a partner, Mimi almost passed out when she heard Alex was her partner, for goodness sake, why did she have to be so unlucky? There were other better boys and girls she could be paired with even Christy was a better option, but Alex?

He smirked at her immediately the instructor told them to line up with their partners.

"See, wherever you go, I'll always he there, it means we are meant to be right?" He whispered and Mimi glared at him. Why on earth must be partnered with a psycho?

He swirled her around and she missed her steps, she almost fell to the ground but he grabbed her by the waist, he smirked at her before the instructor appeared in front of them.

"I've been watching you since, Mimi, are you sure you're okay?"

She released herself from his grip quickly and straightened up before nodding.

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