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The week went by quickly and soon it was Friday. So far, the school had been okay to Mimi, though other students didn't interact with her but she could consider Dera and Tife friends, they never made her feel like the outcast she was and they'd even introduced her to their other friend; Tomiwa who was in Lara's class and was also Christy's boyfriend, main reason Christy had greeted her with scowls throughout the week, not like she cared though.

"So, I have your mid term test result with me now," Miss Miracle announced and noise filled the whole class.

"When you're done making noise, you can check where you stand on the notice board," and with that she strutted to the back of the class where the notice board was and pasted the results.

Miss Miracle walked back to the front of the class, "So, I guess you all know your stand now, Christian, good job as always, and this time Benita came second, Alex, I think you should fasten your seat belt because she displaced you, you're now in the same position with Christy, with that being said, others I hope you'll improve by the end of the term, good day!"

Noise filled the class immediately she walked out as they all rushed to the notice board to check their results. Mimi's eyes only scattered around the class as she watched other students discussing about their result, she and Lola didn't sit down for the tests so far they resumed late.

"Please pass me the chocolate," Mimi heard Dera say as she walked to her seat.

Mimi stretched her hand to pick the chocolate before giving it to Dera who thanked her.

"Eating again?" Tife queried in a mocking tone while Dera pouted.

"I need something sweet to quench my foul mood."

Tife chuckled, "You always need something sweet, right Mimi?"

Mimi nodded in accordance while Dera eyed her. From the few days they'd spent together, she'd come to realize Dera's mouth always had the movement of food mostly snacks.

"When all you do is eat, why won't you be in a foul mood?" Tife mocked and Dera hissed.

"My name appeared last on the list again," she said in a bitter tone while Tife resisted the urge to laugh.

"Don't worry, you still have the exam," She pacified and Dera pursed her lips before turning back to Mimi.

"Today is for sports and recreation, which sports did you apply for?"

Picking up her pen and jotter, she answered:

Football and dancing

"What!" They both shouted in unison.

"Why would you join football? That sport is so boring and it's for boys," Dera uttered in distaste.

"And dancing? It's certain you can't enjoy it because of Christy, she's always bossing everyone around, she thinks she's the only best dancer," Tife added and Mimi nodded as she tried digesting their words.

The sound of the bell interrupted her thoughts before she looked at Dera who was now on her feet.

"We always have a combined class on Friday, only for either Maths or English, today is for English and then sports, so, right now, I have to…"

"Run along because your crush will be around and you need to grab his attention," Tife completed and Dera revealed her teeth in a toothy grin, she picked up her book and ran out of the class while Mimi turned to Tife with a questioning look.

"She's head over heels for that guy, he's in your sister's class, you won't believe Dera has been going on with this hopeless crush since JSS1, funniest thing, the guy doesn't even know she exists," she ended it with a shrill laughter while Mimi smiled.

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