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For weeks now, Mimi had been pondering on what Christian said. Her therapist had also informed her there was no way she would improve or come out of her condition if she kept everything to herself but then who will she tell? How will she even explain it?

She didn't notice when their French teacher walked out of the class, her mind was far away, she glanced at Tife and Dera who were so focused on what they were writing, what could they be doing?

She stood up and peered into their books only to realize they were writing french.

"Mimi, are you done with the classwork?" Tife inquired and she squeezed her face. Which classwork?

"The man said he'll collect it when he comes back, it's part of our test."

What! She looked at the board and wondered what the gibberish written on it would mean, her eyes scanned the whole class and she realized they were all busy with their work. Something that she didn't listen to let alone understand, how would she do it?

At the end, she dubbed the answers from Tife.


"Hey, slut," Christy called as she walked into the cafeteria.

"Inaya, are you deaf?" Christy bellowed and Inaya turned to her with a sly smile.

"Better, you knew my name before and you wasted time," Inaya replied and Christy scoffed.

"Everybody knows you're a slut, so, why do you find it hard to answer to your name?"Christy shouted in an attempt to draw attention and she did draw it because all heads turned to her that instant.

"Is that why you called me?" Inaya asked clearly irritated.

"I hope you haven't forgotten our agreement," she smirked and Inaya rolled her eyes.

"What agreement?"

"The money," Christy bellowed and Inaya scoffed.

"Which money?"

Christy eyed her warily, "Are you trying to play dumb here?"

Inaya pursed her lips, "I don't understand you, sincerely I don't know the money you are talking about, we didn't agree to split money right?"

Christy rolled her eyes, "Oh, please, stop the nonsense, I'm referring to my $2000."

Inaya chuckled, "Oh that, didn't your mummy tell you?"

Christy raised her brows, how did her mum get into the discussion, "Tell me what."

Inaya smirked, "That she told me not to pay you any dime."

Christy scoffed a laugh, "The joke doesn't make any sense at all."

"Yeah, it can't make any sense so far you're just full of sawdust."

Christy's nose flared, "Did you just insult me?"

"Can't you process that?"

Christy shook her head, if only Rissa and Mirabel hadn't gone out for shoot, they would have helped her drag the idiot to a secluded place and beat the daylight out of her but Rissa had an upcoming movie and Mirabel was modelling for MAPLE'S new fashion magazine.

"I have no time to start exchanging words with a dumbass like you, I just want to remind you that your interest keeps on increasing."

Inaya scoffed a laugh, "Can't you comprehend? Okay let me explain it to you, I don't know how Tife got to know about this but she told her mom who in turn told your mother who called me not to mind you."

Christy chuckled, "You're joking right?"

"Do I look like someone that jokes with a moron?" And with that she walked to the counter to place her order while Christy stood rooted to the floor trying to digest what Inaya just told her. For goodness sake, how did that snake called Tife got to know about the whole matter? She glanced at Tife who was smiling with Mimi and Dera, she felt like strangling her but could only resort to cursing her.


"So, who do you think is likely to be the senior prefect boy and girl?" Dera questioned as they walked back into the class, break had just ended.

Tife shrugged, "Who else would it be if not Christian and Christy."

"But don't you think that's somehow, how can they be the senior Prefects? People would think it's because they're the children of the founding owners," Dera replied as she pulled out her chair and sat down while Mimi and Tife did the same.

"It isn't about them being the children of the founding members, it's glaring that they both deserve the position, they're the best overall and their capable for it even though Christy is bitchy."

Dera nodded, "Hmm what will be my own post now oo?"

"Waste disposal prefect," Tife joked and Dera slapped her shoulders before turning to Mimi, she noticed the look on her face wasn't a happy one.

"Mimi, is anything wrong?" Dera queried and Mimi shook her head.

"You've been behaving somehow in the past weeks, something is bothering you right?" Tife asked and Mimi shook her head again.

"It's obvious but then if you're not ready to tell us it's okay, just remember that a problem shared is half solved,"  Dera said and Mimi smiled faintly to convey she understood what she meant.

Dera turned back to Tife, "Next week is the founders day week," she shouted and the whole class glanced at her.

"Wow, that's true oo, we'll be free throughout then, let me start looking for my clothes," Tife replied and Dera chuckled.

"So, who will you be going to the ball dance with?" Dera queried and Tife fluttered her lashes before shrugging.

"I don't know."

"We have to help you look for a partner oo, there's no way you're going alone," Dera insisted and Tife smiled before turning to Mimi.

"Mimi, who is going to be your date to the ball dance?"

Mimi stared at her with confusion written all over her face, Dera then decided to explain everything relating to the founders day week to her.

"Tife, I want to see you," Christy appeared before them and they all turned to her in surprise.

"You can see me na," Tife joked and Christy rolled her eyes.

"Let's go out to talk," she said before strolling out of the class believing Tife was behind her, it wasn't until she got out did she realise she wasn't following her. She rushed into the class in annoyance.

"Tife!!!" Christy screamed and Tife rolled her eyes.

"Why are you shouting?" Tife hissed and Christy felt like strangling her. Noticing the daggers she was shooting at her, Tife decided to stand up, Mimi cast her a questioning look while Dera asked.

"What does she want to talk about?"

Tife shrugged, "I don't know," then she followed Christy out of the class.

"Why did you tell your mom about me wanting to collect the money for my phone from Inaya?"

Tife rolled her eyes, "Because I tell my mom everything."

Christy scoffed, "Is that an answer to you?"

Tife waved her palm.

"Now, my mum doesn't want her to pay me back, did you tell her she cheated on Christian?"

Tife shrugged, "Nope."

"And you claim you tell your mom everything, you intentionally hid it right?"

"I guess you're right."

"Gosh, you're so damn stupid, why didn't you tell her ehn?"

Tife rolled her eyes, "Is that why you called me? And here I was thinking you had something reasonable to say but a senseless person will always prove she's senseless," she hissed before walking away while Christy kept on screaming her name.

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