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The way Lola changed over the week kept on baffling Mimi. She was now Christy's friend, more or less slave because she was practically Benita's replacement.

Mimi sighed as she watched Lola try to fit into Christy and her friends conversation. Just why on Earth was she trying to please them? Is it because she wants to belong or because of her crush on Christian? Mimi wondered as Lola's behavior irritated her.

She was tired of watching her so she decided it was best she leaves the class, it was free period so they didn't have any subject, Dera was currently sleeping and Tife was at the clinic resting, she'd been at the clinic since morning due to menstrual cramps.

Mimi decided to check up on Tife and on getting there she realized she was asleep, not wanting to go back to the class, she decided to go somewhere else and her legs led her to the art studio, one she'd only visited once since she got admitted into the school, it was when Tife and Dera had taken pleasure in touring her around the school, though Mimi had always wanted to go back to the art studio as she was a lover of arts but she didn't have the liberty.

Walking into the art studio, it was as silent as a graveyard, her eyes scanned the whole area before she decided to check out the paintings on the wall, while doing that, she mistakenly tripped on a stool which resulted in her falling face flat on the table, she squeezed her face in pain before raising her head only to meet Christian's curious look glaring down at her.

"You're so clumsy," he uttered in annoyance before picking up his painting brush.

Mimi was more than shocked to see him, to think someone was actually in the studio all along, he must have seen her smile and wave like a maniac at the paintings.

"What are you even doing here? Good thing I just started the paintings, if not," he glared at her and she straightened up.

I"I'll appreciate it if you keep quiet, sure, you'll even be quiet but please don't move about, it's a distraction, I left the class because of that," he admonished and Mimi nodded before deciding to sit far away from him.

But then she wanted to catch a glimpse of his painting, she pursed her lips as she crossed her legs. Looking around the art gallery, she could only admire from afar but not touch, her eyes rested on Christian who was now focused on his drawing.

"Did you come here to stare at me?" He raised his head and Mimi rolled her eyes.

The art studio fell silent for some minutes as both occupants stayed quiet, Christian being focused on his work while Mimi kept on looking around the studio, she itched to stand up and wondered if her movement could be likened to a distraction. Glancing at Christian whose eyes were glued on his canvas, she decided to stand up.

"I said no movement," Mimi heard him say and she scrunched her brows while wondering how he got to know without sparing her a glance.

She stood rooted for some seconds while debating on whether to move or not, just as she took a step, she heard his voice again.

"Don't you dare!"

She rolled her eyes yet again. Who was he trying to order her around? Just because she decided to obey him doesn't mean he could command her, she was only trying to be considerate because she was a lover of arts, though she loved paintings and drawings because they kept her sane when everything started but she couldn't draw anything except cloth designs.

She decided to go against him hoping to see what he would do to her, just then, the door creaked open and a brown-skinned girl strolled into the room; one Mimi quickly recognized as Inaya.

"Hi," Inaya waved at her with a wide smile and that made Mimi blink twice before waving in return. Inaya had never talked to her, she was actually invisible to every other person except her friends, so, Inaya smiling at her just looked weird.

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