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The Founder's day week ended well and classes resumed. Tife and Dera had pestered her last week after Christian filled them in on Alex's issue and even other issue relating to her, they'd insisted she opened up to them but she didn't and now they were angry at her, for a day now, they ignored her without uttering any word to her and did she feel guilty? Yeah.

Christian wasn't an exception too, he also ignored her, even while they both went together for the ball night as dates, all they did was dance without him uttering any word to her.

The Prefects strolled into the class, they'd left for a meeting earlier, Dera had disappeared to her boyfriend's class and Mimi had been all alone so far Tife was the assistant senior prefect girl, it was funny how she got to be Christy's assistant because they were day and night.

Mimi smiled at Tife immediately she got to her seat but Tife ignored her, the same way she'd been ignoring her since the day before. She tapped her shoulders and Tife hissed before walking out of the class. Mimi felt pained and lonely.

Tife got back later with Dera as Miss Miracle who was their Literature teacher walked in.

After the normal greetings, she started the day's class and everyone listened with rapt attention, she was one of their best teachers and everyone's favorite.

"So, as we've discussed drama, you'll be putting it into practice, I'll be grouping you into two and you're to take each scene in the book where only two casts were present, later on, you all will act the book," she explained and the class roared.

After cautioning them, she continued, "So, you are to stand up one by one and pick one of the papers here, whoever you pick his or her name is your partner."

The class grumbled again before she talked, "We have equal numbers of boys and girls in this class, that makes it so easy, so, the girls should come up, starting from Inaya."

Inaya  got on her feet and walked up to the front of the class to pick the paper. It went on like that till it was Tife's turn, she came back with a frown on her face, Mimi cast her a questioning look but she ignored her and turned to Dera.

"Can you believe that doofus is my partner?" She started and Mimi listened to their conversation.

"Who?" Dera inquired in a cursory manner, Laiq was her partner so, she was curious to know Tife's own.


"What!" Dera screeched and Mimi's eyes widened. One thing luck was somehow on her side, at least this time, Alex wouldn't be her partner but someone else.

"And I'll surely make him suffer."

"That's my girl," Dera said as she glanced at Mimi who smiled at her but she didn't return the smile. Just when will they understand her?

Mimi rose to her feet, she was the last person to pick the paper so, there wasn't any other option other than her picking the only paper on the table, opening it her eyes widened upon realization. She glanced at Christian who had a blank look on his face. Should she be happy or sad? She had mixed feelings about the whole thing as she walked back to her seat.

Expecting Tife and Dera to ask about her partner, she was disappointed when they made no attempt to. Miss Miracle walked out of the class and the bell was jingled to signify break.

"Let's go and eat," Dera said as she dragged Tife up, Tife glanced at Mimi and Dera quickly understood the look.

"There's no way we can eat with someone who we consider as a friend but keeps things from her friends and doesn't trust them," Dera hissed before dragging Tife out of the class.

Mimi felt a stab in her heart at Dera's words. Is that how bad it was?


The silent treatment went on till the end of the week and Mimi could swear she was more than lonely, going to school didn't interest her again as she always got bored out of her mind. Even during the study session, all Tife did was discuss with Christian making her feel left out. Even Christian only talked to her about their drama project or during the study session and everything was in relation to academics.

She didn't like the fact that they ended on a bad note all because she was obdurate, she decided she would tell them everything but that would be after their mid term test.

"Don't you think we should stop this?" Dera asked as she glanced at Mimi who was sleeping soundly, little did she know the sleep wasn't sound at all, Mimi only had the liberty to sleep in the afternoon but not at night because she kept on having bad dreams.

Tife pursed her lips, "Stop what?"

"This silent treatment, I don't think Mimi is ready to talk at all."

Tife rolled her eyes, "Let's just continue the act, she would surely succumb, we are practically her only friends, so, there's no way she can do without us," she assured and Dera sighed.

"Hmm, something, she kept in for three years, do you think she'll just tell us because of this? Even her family know nothing," Dera reasoned.

"Let's see," Tife concluded and Dera nodded before looking around the class, her eyes landed on Christian who looked so uncomfortable with the way Lola was hovering him.

"What's wrong with that Lola girl gan?" Dera uttered in distaste and Tife trailed her gaze before scoffing.

"That girl is so senseless and shameless, you know she has a crush on Christian right?"

"Everybody knows that," Dera said in a mocking tone and Tife chuckled.

"Can you believe she confessed her feelings to him?"

Dera's eyes doubled its size, "You don't mean it? Like she practically asked him out?"

"Yes oo."

"And what did Christian say?"

Tife shrugged, "What else? He turned her down."

Dera clapped,"Wow, goodness and she's still following him around, he didn't disgrace her abi?"

Tife lifted her shoulders in a half shrug," I'm not sure, Christian only told me she asked him out."

"Gosh, why didn't it happen in school? I should have watched the whole show."

"That's if there's one," Tife chuckled.

"But then why is she still hovering around him? Oga oo."

"Maybe she thinks he'll eventually fall for her."

Dera rolled her eyes, "In her wildest dreams."

"There's nothing impossible oo," Tife jested and Dera scoffed.

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