(25) - The Warlord, Zion -

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25 - The Warlord, Zion -

The group entered the Main Base, the Admirals already walking towards the Fleets Office, Yaya delayed behind the rest, Fang glancing to ask, "Hey, we're going to see Gopal–" "I'll just check on something. I'll catch up." Yaya said with a small smile, earning a nod from the couple before they walked off to Gopal's office, Yaya walked back to one of the lieutenants that saluted her. "Show me who you were talking about... the person that looks like Admiral Boboiboy." She stated, the serious tone coupled with her enigmatic smile made the lieutenant clamor to guide her.

They entered the chambers, seeing some of the most recently trapped individuals as they walked past their calls to see the person currently held in the biggest cell. Yaya saw the figure slumped down on the floor, head slightly tilted down as she glanced back at the lieutenant, "You can go now, thanks for the assist." The lieutenant saluted before he left, leaving the woman in the silent confines of the room.

"I never expected you to come see me." He spoke, the familiar voice almost revolting as Yaya saw Arthadel's orbs land on her, still crossed arms over his chest as he remained sat on the ground.

Yaya let out an uncertain breath, "What do you mean by that? This situation is far stranger for me, isn't it?" She spoke, seeing him stand up, towering over her figure as he came close, the horns adorned on his face and scar by the side of his chin signifying intimidation, but Yaya couldn't be afraid, not with the familiar face he bore. "In my rift, I'm named Boboiboy Arthadel... and you were also my greatest ally... it's strange to see that face on someone currently keeping me... captive." He stated, seeing the innocent gleam of her eyes, "If I may add, am I also part of your life here?" His voice is more tamer, calm and grounded rather than intimidating.

Yaya slowly formed a small smile, lips upturned as she lifted her hand, showing her ring, "You are a very important person in my life here..." His eyes flickered wide for a moment, hearing her say, "You look like the love of my life."

Arthadel felt a lump in his throat, looking to the side, unable to meet her gaze. "Well... he is fortunate... unlike me." He stated, seeing her slowly rest her hand back to her side, "I doubt you came here to simply show me who you are... why are you here now?" He adds, heaving a breath as she stared at him, looking for something, but she didn't know what to pinpoint. She swallowed the lump in her throat, looking down to her feet, "I... have a son. And a daughter..." He glanced up to her, seeing her fiddle her freehand over her ring.

"I want to save them... desperately. So I wanted to know... if the person that came from the rift of my enemy, would help me... defeat the man hurting my family." Yaya spoke in her usual soft tone, seeing the tame yet shocked expression of the man before her, glancing around the room as he spoke, "My enemy isn't him... after all I know him well." Arthadel stated, seeing Yaya's confused expression riddled in shock by the next words he spoke.

"...that's why you'd all be wary... he knows much more than he lets on... especially about the version of myself that lives here."

As Yaya gathered her thoughts on what Arthadel sensed an oddity around him, looking to see the transparent wall flickering off light as there was a loud explosion outside, the whole Station rumbling. "W-What's going–" "Yaya, enemy ships are fast approaching the ship! There's also weird anomalies back on Earth!" She heard through her intercom from Gopal as she pressed her lips together, looking up to see Arthadel's pliant gaze on her, making her sigh. He watched as she went to the nearby device, grabbing a form of keycard and swiping it open after some fiddling, the man stepped out.

She was about to run past him when he held her wrist with a bit of a softer grip, making her look up, "Why'd you let me go?" "You want to save him, don't you? And I have to save him..." She stated, making him let her go as he lifted his hand, his sword on the desk flying to his grip, "Take me to the battle then." He said as she nodded, leading him out as they were now rushing off with others in the halls.

There was a loud explosion beside them as Yaya gasped, seeing some enemies enter as she flew towards them, using her abilities to keep them at bay, "It's his highness?! What–" Arthadel gave an irritated gleam, unsheathing his sword as he slashed the group back, leaving them unconscious as Yaya flung them away, asking, "What did you do?" "I can't let anyone know I'm here yet until Zion is..."

Outside the Station, Freezeglaze summoned his bow, remaining perched up on the station as he shot multiple ice arrows, capturing the others in ice traps and spikes. He heard a loud whistle, alarmed to see a human-sized bomb coming towards the Station, "That bomb is going to cause thrice the amount of damage than an atomic bomb!? We need to get rid of it!" Nut spoke through the intercom as he saw Gopal rushing towards him, "Ready?" lifting his hand as they'd implied what to do, Freezeglaze shifted his form to Astrostellar, his sword floating behind him as he counted three, two, "One, now!" "Ball of Yarn, transformation!" Gopal spoke, pointing to the bomb.

The shot was intercepted however by a strange boulder, gasping as they turned to see Ether Gopal present, grinning, "How mighty of you to assume one shot could solve this." Astrostellar huffed a breath, "Figure it out, I'll deal with this one." Astrostellar grabbed the sword on his back, flying up as he slashed the material manipulator, Ether Gopal surprised by his relative speed, dodging as he got gashed with a thin line on the cheek.

Back on Earth, Ying arrived with the rest, seeing the same style of bomb present, she pressed her in-ear, "Ying to Station, the bomb on Earth is also close to the bomb there. And..." She hissed, seeing Kotara and Adam of the enemy army defending it against the other agents, "They're not going to let us disarm it." She moved off, kicking back some of the robots attempting to harm the agents helping out citizens.

Fang pressed his intercom, slashing off other enemies in his vicinity whilst Sai defended him, "Keep them at bay... those bombs," He saw a weird blinking light on it, "They have triggers, I think they'll be more dangerous than ever."

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