Chapter 9

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Ava's POV
I woke up the next morning to Adam kissing my cheek. I smiled at him.

"Merry Christmas baby." He said. I started crying. He looked at me concerned.

"Hey, what is it baby?" He asked. I hugged him tightly.

"I love you so much Addy." I said.

"I love you too Ava bear." He said smiling. We cuddled for a while.

"You smell nice." He said.

"You smell nice too." I said giggling. We got up and went into the living room and saw Adam's family.

"Merry Christmas guys." His mom said.

"Merry Christmas." I said and Adam and I sat on the couch. There were a lot more gifts under the tree than there was last night. His mom started picking up gifts and giving them to everyone. She looked at me.

"Ava, this one's for you." She said. I unwrapped the gift and started crying. Adam wrapped his arm around me.

"Who's it from?" He asked me.

"Jay. I told him a few weeks ago how I lost my photo with me and my mom, he got me a new one." I said looking at the photo.

"This was taken on the day she died." I said and he kissed my forehead. Adam's mom handed him a gift. It was from me. He opened it and gasped.

"You didn't?" He questioned.

"I most certainly did." I replied.

"What did you get sweetie?" His mom asked.

"She got me a Rolex." He replied.

"Seriously, please be my girlfriend." Jacob said.

"I'd watch your mouth if I was you. On the first day she met me, she punched me in the face twice because I looked at her." Adam said and I smiled at him.

"It wasn't just because of that. The first thing you said to me when I joined intelligence was 1. Are you single? And 2. If you are can I have your phone number?" I said remembering that day like it was yesterday.

"Anyway, thank you for my gift." He said kissing me. I opened his next. There were two things inside. The first thing was a necklace that said 'Ava bear' on it. I smiled at him. I opened the second bit to see an appointment card for a spa day.

"You are literally the best." I said and he smiled at me.

"I remembered you telling me not long after we met that you like to take a day for yourself and leave the rest of the world behind." He said. I looked at him and rested against him. I opened a gift from Atwater. On the card it said, 'to my favourite Halstead.' I opened it and laughed. I showed Adam and he laughed. It was a collage of all my funny moments while being in intelligence. There were photos of me dancing, sleeping, and a photo from my performance at Molly's.

"I swear Atwater is the funniest guy ever." He said.

"You only like this gift because they are all embarrassing photos of me." I said.

"You're not wrong." He said and smiled at him. We sat talking for a while. Adam's family was telling me about some of Adam's funny stories.

"You guys have told pretty funny stories, but I have the best one." Lucy said and I became intrigued.

"One day, Adam asked mom what the thing in between his legs was. She told him what it was and he undressed himself and started running around the house shouting, 'I HAVE A WILLY.'" She said making us all laugh.

"I don't remember that at all." Adam said.

"You don't need to remember it, I have it on video." His mom said. She connected her phone to the tv and played the video. I couldn't stop laughing.

"I suggest you stop laughing or I will ask jay and Will for some funny videos of you." Adam said.

"You wouldn't dare." I said.

"Try me." He said smirking.

"Mrs Ruzek, can you send me that video please." I asked.

"Of course sweetie." She said. Adam went up to the tv and connected his phone to it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You haven't seen this and you probably don't remember it because of how drunk you were, but it is the funniest video I have." He said and I gulped as he pressed play.

The team was at Adam's apartment. Ava was clearly drunk. She had about 5 beers.

"Why is water wet?" She asked.

"I don't know." Adam replied.

"Of course you don't know, you're stupider than I am and I am intoxicated." Ava said.

"Babe, I don't think stupider is a word." He said. She started pointing at him.

"You don't get to lecture me Detective, wait I mean officer Ruzek, you have slept with every girl in this room right now." She said.

"She's not wrong." Hailey said.



"We're not in 5th grade Ava." Jay said. Ava didn't listen though. She started swaying to the music.

"Ava, are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"I AM BRILLIANT." She shouted and everyone laughed.

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME, I AM EXTREMELY SENSITIVE, EVEN WHEN IM DRUNK." She said. She went to grab another beer.

"Don't you think you've had enough to drink?" Jay suggested.

"It doesn't matter how much I drink, it's not like I'm going to walk or drive home. I'll probably pass out on the floor and wake up tomorrow morning in the best mood ever." She said.

"Oh my god." I said.

"Let me just say, you did not wake up in the best mood ever." Adam said and I hit him in the arm. His family laughed. We ate dinner and it was amazing. His mom is the best cook ever.

"I don't get it. You are an amazing cook, but Adam can't even do toast without burning it." I said.

"I am a good cook." Adam said.

"Yeah and I'm Albert Einstein." I said causing everyone to laugh. We all chilled out and Adam and I decided to go to bed. We got changed into our pyjamas and I wiped my makeup off and brushed my teeth. I came back into our room and saw Adam laid in bed.

"I thought you were tired." I said.

"I am, but I can't sleep without my favourite girl next to me." He said and I blushed. I got in the bed with him and I rested my head on his chest. His steady heartbeat was music to my ears.

"I want you to move in with me." He said. I looked up at him shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"I want to go to sleep every night and wake up to you every morning." He said and I started crying.

"I love you Addy." I said kissing him.

"I love you too Ava bear." He said and we fell asleep.

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