Chapter 22

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Adam's POV
I hadn't heard from her. I hadn't heard from hailey. I hadn't heard from Kim. I hadn't heard from Lucy or Chloe. I started to freak out slightly.

"Adam, will you calm down? They are fine. They are probably getting ready." Kevin said.

"Something doesn't feel right." I said.

"How about we go see them?" Jay suggested and I nodded. We quickly drove to hailey and Kim's house. We got there and the door was open slightly. We all shared concerning looks. As we headed in, we saw the living room and it was a mess. There were spots of blood on the floor and I started freaking out.

"Someone call Voight." I said.

"Done." Kevin said.

"Look around and see if we can find anything." Jay instructed and we started to search the house. I came across a note.

Dear whoever finds this,
I have kidnapped the bride and the bridesmaids. I only really want Ava, but I had to take them all or I would've been caught already. Tell Jay and Will that Cara has the girls. They will know the name.

"Guys, get over here." I shouted and Kev, jay and Will came in. They read the note and jay and Will looked at each other.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Ava's ex-girlfriend." Will said.

"The one who made her try to kill herself?" Kev questioned and they nodded.

"What is the whole story behind that? Ava never told me. Every time she would try to tell me, she would cry." I asked.

"They were dating. It was going great. One day, Ava didn't come home after school. We called Cara to see if she knew where she was. She said she didn't. We looked for her and saw her in an alleyway. She said that Cara's brother raped her. We told the cops and it turns out Cara told him to rape and try to kill her. Neither of them got punished or sentenced. Every day, she would go to school and see them and Cara would bully her. She had enough so she tried to kill herself." Jay said and I was shocked. Voight arrived and asked us what we knew. We explained that Cara had her.

"Jay, Will, is there anywhere you think they could be?" He asked and they shook their heads.

"Why exactly would she do this?" Kev asked and we all thought about it.

"She kidnaps them on Ava's wedding day to stop her getting married." Jay said and we all agreed.

"Wait. Jay, what about the cabin?" Will asked and jay nodded.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Cara's family has this cabin. It's about 30 minutes away." Jay said and we headed there. During the drive, I started to think about the worst possible thing. What if she died? What if they all died? My friends, my sister, and my fiancé are missing. I can't believe this is happening.

"This is it." Jay said pointing at the cabin. We got out and put vests on. We were about to go in when we heard a scream. It was Ava. Jay looked through the window.

"She's got a gun pointed at them." He said.

"I swear to god if you idiots come any closer, I'll blow each and every one of their heads off." Cara shouted and Ava started crying.

"Stop crying you stupid bitch." Cara said.

"Why did you do this?" Ava asked.

"Because you don't deserve happiness. You deserve to rot in hell." She said.

Over the radio, we heard jay say, "Sarge, I have a shot. Do you want me to take it?" Voight thought about it for a few seconds.

"Do it." He said and a shot was heard. Cara dropped to the floor and we ran into the cabin. I untied Ava and she jumped into my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms were around my neck. She started sobbing.

"Shh, I got you Ava." I said softly.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too bear." I said. She went over to the girls. I went and hugged Lucy.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." She replied. Ava came over to me.

"What a wedding day." She said and I chuckled. We headed outside and she rested against me.

"Can we just go and get dressed quick and get married? No guests, just our intelligence family." She asked.

"That sounds perfect." I said and she smiled. We got the officiant and had a simple ceremony.

"You may now kiss the bride." He said. I kissed her and everyone clapped. Hailey suggested that we celebrate at Molly's, but Ava and I had other things in mind. We got to our house and couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

"I didn't say it earlier, so I'm going to say it now. You look beautiful." I said and she smiled.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I replied and we headed to the bedroom.

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