You like ron

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Me, Ron, and Hermione were waiting for Harry to come back to the common room.

"Harry!" I said"what happened?" I said. I was the only one speaking."Well professor moody decided to help me with the tasks" I smiled. Professor moody is a smart guy.

"How'd you do it?" Ron asked"I didn't put my name in the goblet of fire, I never wanted my name in their" Harry said"you wouldn't even tell your own best friend" Ron huffed and walked up to the boys dormitory. Hermione went up to the girls dormitory while I stood with Harry. I'm the only one there for him.


Everyone in the hallways were wearing these badges that says "Harry sucks". Everyone would say "cheater" when he would walk past anyone.

Me, Neville, and Harry were by the lake. Neville was throwing rocks, Harry was reading, and I was just sitting there."Harry" Neville said pointing behind us. I looked back and saw her mine and Ron. Harry got up and walked up to them."Seamus told dean who told Ron that Hagrid is looking for you" Hermione said"what?" Harry said.

Hermione walked up to Ron's and said something to him."Seamus-please don't make me say it again"Hermione said."Well you could tell Ron-"Harry said before he got interrupted by Hermione"I'm not an owl!" She said walking away with Ron.


I was in the common room when Ron walked in."Ron I need to talk to you"I said walking up to him."what your going to break up with me like you did with dean, your doing it because of Harry?" He said angry.

"Why are you so mad? Harry did nothing wrong, someone just put his name in the goblet of fire" I said"you never know he probably asked someone older to do it for him" he said crossing his arms."your just jealous, jealous that you didn't accidentally get picked for the tri-wizard tournament" I said."why would I be jealous of getting myself killed?" He said.

"I-you know what? Talk to me when your not acting like a child!" I said walking away.

Ron could get in my nerves sometimes.


"Did Hagrid fell you what your first task was?" I said to Harry"yeah it's dragons" he said nervously."Well where are you going now?" I said as I stopped walking."to tell Cedric" he said. He stopped walking."you coming?" He said. I ran to him to catch up with him.

"Cedric" Harry said as I was behind him. Cedrics friends started laughing at Harry but Harry didn't mind. He had got used to it the past few days."yeah?" Cedric answered"it's about the first task" Harry said. Cedric followed Harry and Cedric's friends kept laughing."I could do a lot of things with my wand, so if you guys don't stop, Harry, and Cedric will attend a lot of funerals" I said.

Once I said that they kept quiet."oh and sorry about the badges I told them not to wear lthem" Cedric said before he left off.

"What did you do?" Harry said"let's just say they won't be laughing at you again" I said walking with Harry. We both laughed."pottah!" Draco yelled. That's the only person who calls him that."me and my father made and bet, your not gunna last 10 minutes!" He said coming off a tree with his friends beside him.

Aww. I like him with his black suit on."actually your not gunna last 5 minutes" him and his friends laughed.

"I don't care what your father says, he's a bad man, and your just a disappointment" Harry said "nice one" I said to Harry. Draco took out his wand but professor moody came out of nowhere and turned him into a ferret. Everyone started laughing at him. Professor McGonagall soon came."is that a student?" She said"technically a ferret" he said.

Mood turned him back into a human"my father will hear about this!" Draco said"is that a threat?!" Moody said back.

We then left and Harry went with moody so I decided to go to class. Ron tried to talk to me but I walked away."Delilah talk to Ron" Hermione said."why do you keep defending him?" I said. She stood quiet I huffed and kept walking. I know what Hermione's silence meant.

She likes Ron.

It all started when i met him//Ron WeaslyWhere stories live. Discover now