Why cant that be me?

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My parents have come back and Draco is sleeping. It was night and I couldn't go to sleep, I heard my father talking to someone, my mother was sleeping so it wasn't him.

"Thank you, we both need this see you tomorrow morning bye" he said was he talking to someone on the phone. But who was it?

I soon fell asleep have the question roaming in my head.


I was heading I sleep when I heard my father say "yes, yes we'll stay for your trip see you tomorrow!" Wonder where were going tomorrow.


The morning me and Draco were eating breakfast and talking about how much fun we had yesterday. "Molly!" I heard my mother say.
"Delilah!" She said "hello molly!" I said giving her a hug. That's who my father was talking to at night. "What are you doing here" I asked "Well I'm staying here because your mother and father are going on a trip, they need some time from kids" she said laughing at the end.

"Just you and Arthur?"

"No, me, Arthur and the kids"

How great,"what's going on?" Draco asked before I pulled his arm upstairs. "The Weasley are staying over" I said "why" he asked.

"My mother and father are going on a trip" I said "Delilah can you help them with their luggage" my mother said. I went down and helped the twins and Ginny.

"Bye mom and dad! See you after the semester" I said waving bye at them. There coming back when we're already going to be at hogwarts.

Ginny, Arthur, and molly were staying in my parents room, Fred, George, and Percy were sleeping in the guest room Draco was staying in and Ron and Draco are going to sleep in my room. Although I have a big house, we don't have a lot of bedrooms.

Molly made a soup for dinner which actually quite good. And now me, Fred, George, Ron, Draco, and Ginny we're messing around in my room. Percy decided to read a book instead of having fun.

"I can't believe I'm hanging out with the Weasley's" Draco whispered to me"you could always go with Percy and read a book" I laughed "yeah no, I'd rather stay here" he said. I laughed I turned around and saw Ron staring at me and Draco while we were talking.


Why can't that be me?


"So malfoy why you here in the first place" Fred said "Please don't make me talk to them" he whispered "want me to tell them?" I asked "yes thank you!" He said dramatically but was stilling whispering."his parents went on a trip and couldn't take him" I said.

Fred and George both laughed a little bit. "How king have you been staying?" Ron asked "about a month" I said "whys he not talking?" He asked "I feel embarrassed talking to you" he said "I feel embarrassed being in the same room as you!" Ron said. They both went back and forth and then they tired to hit each other.

"Alright!" I said "me and Draco are going to get some snacks" I said pulling his arm "ow what did my arm do to you?" Draco said "sorry" I said grabbing chocolates and a bunch of candy for a jar.

"So about your crush" I said "what about her?" He said "have you wrote her?" I asked "no I will tomorrow morning" he said I smiled, I want to know who she is. Brown hair, nice smile, and good personality! Wonder who...

"Well let's go" he said "you actually want to go back?" I said "you know what sarcasm is right?" He said smiling.

"Want to talk about your crush?" I said sitting on the couch"sure" he said sitting next to me "does this girl go to hogwarts?" I said "yes she does actually" he said "does-"

"What are you guys doing we've been waiting for like 20 minutes" Ginny said "we're coming" I said.

We all soon fell asleep in my room. Everyone slept on the floor while me and Ginny slept in my bed.


In the morning after breakfast I went up to my room and saw a letter in my bed. "What is this" I said.

Dear Delilah,

I heard the Weasley's have been staying at your house until we go back to hogwarts, must be boring. Plus your ex boyfriend is staying there to so it's probably awkward. Meet me in your room at 7pm, and I'm kind've your neighbor because I'm staying at my grandmas house until we go back to hogwarts, just of your wondering how I'll get in your room.

I'll be waiting

X Your Secret Admirer

This is giving me flash backs.

Dear Delilah,

Just wanted to say hi because you don't know who I am. I'll give you a hint,I have black hair. I'll be owling you tomorrow just so you know.

   X Your secret admirer

I have a secret admirer?

"Who's it from?"Harry said.

"It's from my secret admirer"

It all started when i met him//Ron WeaslyWhere stories live. Discover now