(29) - An Empty Space -

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29 - An Empty Space -

There were loud mumbles around the TAPOPS cafeteria, people murmuring as a loud clunk was heard. One of the aliens sighed to see one of the newer recruits doused with some of the food, the tray once holding it thrown to the side as the Chief Petty Officer, Yusuf, grinned. "What? Are you going to cry, little tattletail?" Yusuf jeered, making the new recruit stiffen, glancing to the side to see the concerned and troubled gazes of the other aliens on him, making him press his lips together.

The new recruit spoke, "I wanted to save our lives, you were trying to feed your ego." Recalling how one of their deployments nearly made some of the newer recruits get harmed, making him inform their temporary instructor, Mikleo, of the mishap. Yusuf got called to the Lieutenant Commander's Office and immediately met with him after getting a stern warning.

Yusuf frowned, his maniacal grin present as he grabbed the recruit by the collar, slightly lifting him up as he cocked his fist up, "What'd you say, trash?" Yusuf grumbled, seeing a vein on his neck as the others backed off, but was genuinely surprised when a loud thud was heard, seeing something flying landed flatly on Yusuf's head with a splat, seeing him doused with the cafeteria's smoothies. They all saw his eyes turn wild with rage, pushing the recruit as he yelled out, demanding who threw the drink on him. As faint footsteps approached, they heard a calm voice say, "Excuse me, coming through." The older ones were surprised as they scrambled to salute as others paved a way, seeing a familiar arm-band on his bicep.

Yusuf looked back towards him, soon seeing an orange-cap wearing figure, a hand resting on his hip as he looked at the scene in-front him, grinning as he slightly hovered a hand to conceal it, still obvious to those around them, he spoke, "Seems like there was a food fight here. What's going on?" He asked, but Yusuf connected the dots upon seeing the brunet with a white-streak of hair and the arm-band on his bicep, the Chief Petty Officer rushing to salute, uttering, "A-Admiral Boboiboy."

Boboiboy hummed, smiling, looking calm as he lifted his hand, "I heard some ruckus over here, I didn't expect to see my smoothie on your head now." He pointed to the glass cup, Yusuf scrambling to take it off his head, giving a sheepish grin, sputtering, "I-It's fine, sir." The latter nodded, moving to grab something from his vest, showing a few folded papers, "I doubt your friend here will agree, he didn't exactly have a choice." He expressed, throwing the paper on the table, Yusuf glancing down towards it to see his file on the deployment, showing some remarks as he felt his throat clogged.

The Admiral grabbed his shoulder, adding enough pressure to make Yusuf physically hurt, his face scrunching up for a moment as he met the brown orbs of the male. "Listen well. I was told of your star-worthy performance and this fellow," he jutted a thumb behind him to the new recruit, "told more about it... and got you to talk to Mikleo." Boboiboy added, gently pushing back as he grabbed the papers on the table, nodding.

"Since you like playing around, I ask Mikleo to give the responsibility of your disciplinary action to me..." The older staff agents let out a silent gasp, looking scared as they are well aware of Boboiboy's capabilities, the smirk the Admiral gave sent chills down Yusuf's spine, "I hope you do well under my supervision." Boboiboy stated, his calm aura making others confused of whether it was a threat or a genuine message of good-will, Yusuf swallowing the lump in his throat. Boboiboy called for him and the new recruit as they walked out of the cafeteria, others concerned for Yusuf rather than troubled, they are well-aware of the Admiral's close to sadistic tendency after the incident, one of the older agents uttering, "I hope Yusuf survives."

The Admiral Office door cracked open, revealing Fang who carried a large duffel bag as he'd returned from his most recent mission, eyes darting around the room as he saw two figures before the right-side of the room, noting their messy disheveled states. "I can see you were busy while I was, idiot." Fang spoke out, hearing a scoff, Boboiboy flicking through some files before glancing to his friend that dropped his bags down his desk.

Walking towards the fellow Admiral's desk, he piped towards the two slightly shorter figures with a small pressed smile before facing Boboiboy, giving a pointed gaze beneath his spectacles. "Why are they bruised anyway? Did you pick a spar partner?" "Disciplinary Action, one attempted to recreate a sacrificial lamb in the bible and the other tried to protect his allies." Boboiboy said, giving his files to the raven-haired figure who flicked over it, humming, "I'll manage it." He spoke, earning a confused gaze from the sitting admiral, "You've not gone home for 2 days, Yanni's worried." Fang added, giving a firm gaze as Boboiboy yielded, "I'll talk to the fleets then, goodluck with the two." He spoke, standing up and out the room.

Fang smiled, making the two more nervous as they had their hands behind them, "Lucky you, I have a mission in a few hours, want to tag along so that I can show you what a massacre is?"

Boboiboy propped down on the couch, throwing his vest on the single seat across from him as he sighed, exhaustion finally riddling him as he glanced on the clock on the wall, noting that Brianna would come home later in the afternoon due to some extracurriculars as Yanni would come home the next day after his college classes. He'd been left alone in the house again, feeling more lonely than normal as he grabbed his phone, showing its screen as he opened to show a familiar picture of him and Yaya, pressing his lips together.

'Has it been a year and a few months already...' Boboiboy thought as he let the hand holding the phone rest on his chest, fixing the pillow on the couch, he'd been sleeping on there since then, unable to sleep in their room due to his daunting thoughts causing Lunaclipse and Twilight to appear out of fear, fortunately his kids always grounded him back until he made the decision to sleep in the living room couch.

He let his eyes droop down, letting sleep overcome him. His breath disheveled from the memories flashing in his mind, all of his and Yaya's good moments, all of them acting happily when he couldn't even come to terms with her disappearance.

The moment his eyes fluttered open, he saw that it was close to the time Brianna would come home, but hearing a clamoring noise in the house, he sprung to his feet, his head messy as he looked around, summoning his red-thunder-spear, hearing the noise coming from the upper rooms, moving upwards to note that Brianna's shoes weren't present by the door, soon reaching the upper steps, his eyes widened to see a woman come out of the master bedroom, mirroring his shock, they remained stationary, Boboiboy's grip on his spear tightening as he frantically blink, trying to make sense of his vision when she cracked a smile, "H-Honey."

That was all it took for Boboiboy to make his weapon disappear, scrambling to hug her as she let out a faint huff of breath, smiling as she returned his actions. Boboiboy buried his head in the crook of her neck, "Are you really here? Please tell me you really are here." Boboiboy sputtered, gently combing his hand on her uncovered hair. 

She patted his broad back, humming, "I'm really here

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She patted his broad back, humming, "I'm really here... I'm really here." She spoke up, making him let out a shaky breath, tearing up as he smiled, burying himself in her arms. Yaya felt him move back, planting a chaste kiss on the back of her hands as she slightly smiled, hearing him sniffle, "What~ Are you crying?" He gave a pout, gently tugging her again for a hug, "Don't tease me... I'll cry all I want." He stated, eliciting a laugh that seemed melodious to his ears, smiling as he kissed her neck, "I missed you, honey." She spoke up, patting his back as he hummed, "... I'm home, honey." She added, making him slightly lean back, smiling at her as a sense of deja vu befell them when he said.

"Welcome Home... Honey."

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