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"Really? Out of all the places in Los Angeles, he decides to hold his meeting here," I heard through my intercom. "Crime syndicates are not what they used to be. I kind of missed the underground meetings behind meat shops or restaurants. Not the screaming teenage hormones and snobby old folks."

"Oh please, Howell. Don't act like you don't like it here. I can see you, remember," said another voice in my ear. "She's definitely out of your league by the way."

"Says you. She-"

"Enough with the chit chat. Just keep your eyes out for the target," I hissed into the intercom, already annoyed by their usual banter.

Don't get me wrong. I loved these two like family. But like many families, these two knew how to push me to my limits, especially when it came to missions like these. They got bored easily so they thought might as well bother each other. Might pass the time faster.

"Ooooh, see what you did, Adams. You pissed her off."

"What? If anybody pissed her off, it was you. You just had to-"

"Guys," I groaned.

See what I told you. They just couldn't stop.

"Sorry," they said at the same time.

I sighed in relief. The silence should last for awhile. At least, that what I hoped.

I got up from my seat in the food court after I scanned the area and decided to scope out the rest of the rustling and bustling mall. Our target was here somewhere and I was going to find him no matter what.

The target was no other than Ezekiel Jones. The crime boss of the underground crime syndicate, the Circle. An enterprise known for drug smuggling and distribution, human trafficking, murder, identity theft, and many more. To say Ezekiel Jones was a powerful was an understatement. He was one of the most gruesome and cold hearted tyrant. His motto of ruling with an iron fist and unyielding force has made him number one on the list of the agency, as well as my own.

He was going down if it was the last thing I do.

"Cameron, target is sighted. I repeat, eyes are on target," Howell informed, overly excited that he was the first to pinpoint Mr. Jones.

"What's your 10-20 (location)?" I requested as I picked up my pace, not even knowing where I was supposed to go. My adrenaline was on overdrive.

"North of the food court and west of the sports store. Target is moving eastbound towards the special events area. Target is accompanied by two family members."

"10-4. I'll be there shortly. Stand down," I commanded as I doubled my pace and was practically jogging to Howell's location.

The mission was simply to observe but I had to see who he was with.

As I was making my towards Howell's location, I unintentionally collided with another body, sending both us flying to the ground.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I quickly got up to my feet, approaching the young lady I had pushed to the ground.

"No, it's okay. I wasn't looking," she replied, accepting my outstretched hand and bringing herself up to a standing position.

When she finally looked up to me, I immediately got lost in her eyes when they connected to my dark brown ones. The pool of green and slight shade of blue had me frozen. I stared deeply into those eyes as I continued to get lost in them. They were just so... beautiful couldn't even come close to describing her eyes. They were just so enticing, and it was just her eyes.

I noticed the close proximity we were in and shyly walked back a bit to distance us a little, finally releasing my hold on her gentle and smooth hand. It was then that I took notice of her whole entire beauty. God. She was gorgeous.

"Cameron, target has separated from family members and is on the move again."

Crap. The mission. Jones.

"Uhm, sorry again," I said while retreating away, turning away and back towards my destination. I didn't dare look back, fearing I would again get lost in her beauty.

"Howell, follow the target. I'll follow the family members. They may have some intel we could use," I spoke into the intercom.

"10-4. See you on the other side."

"Race ya, there," I smiled at our little inside joke.

"Ugh, I always feel left out when you guys do that," Adams commented as she watched from the surveillance van.

"Well, when you decide to become a field agent instead of an analyst, you can add your two cent quote. Until then, what's the status?" Howell asked.

"Jones is heading towards the stairway exit north of your 20, Howell. As for the two family members, they're staying put at the special events area. It looks like something is going down over there, so that's good. It means they'll stay there for awhile. I'll keep my eyes on them to see where they are. The crowd seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the second. Better hurry, Cameron."

"You got it dude," I replied.

I rushed through the crowd of people and made my way towards the special events area. I had to put my A game on and make sure this mission went on without a hitch. I couldn't let what happened earlier happen again. I couldn't get distracted... Even though I was still distracted. Those eyes were the only thing on my mind and I couldn't shake them out if I tried.



A/N: Here's a little snippet of the new fanfiction I am writing. I was thinking of making this a Lauren fanfiction, but it's not set in stone yet. It can change, but I can tell you for sure, it won't be a Camila fanfiction. I want to give each girl a separate focus fanfiction. 

Who should Agent Jenson Cameron fall in love with ??? 

Let me know what you think by commenting, voting, or what not. 

And don't worry. This won't stop the updates of Journey of the Heart. I will try my best to update each story once a week now. :) 

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