I Just Wanted to Watch Tv

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"LEO! ....LEO!". My legs were already sore from all the running, nonetheless, it was worth the extra push to help my blue clad shell friend. I bent down to the more deeply bruised up green body; the rain that shattered the nights sky come down upon us which didn't help my cluttered emotions as it mixed in with my tears. "I'm so sorry Leo I-"


Seems I got ahead of my self, well first off hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!

I'm kidding, my real name is Ember, Ember O'Neil and I'm 16 and 5'6; no I'm not a midget just taller than the seven year olds. Two years ago my Dad sadly went through a tragedy when he got shot on duty as a police officer and so my mom and I moved from across the state from California to New York to live near my closest Uncle and cousin that I haven't seen in years.

I walked out of my new school, which I just registered into about a month ago with my cousin April O'Neil, my new friends Casey Jones, and Angela White. We walked along the less busy streets of New York where it was a cool day in the late February month, we were all cladded in similar clothings of jackets or scarfs. We were talking about how Angela and Casey fell asleep in class and Angela almost starting a food fight again this week.

"Well we'll see you soon April at the hideout" Angela said, making me wonder what they're talking bout. They only been hinting about their hideout everyday after school.

"Okay, just let me walk Em back to her apartment"

I smiled and shoved her gently to our two friends that were about to walk in the opposite direction my home was in.

" I'll be okay cousin, go head. See y'all tomorrow!"

I adored my family member for her kindness of looking after me; after all I am the youngest of the two of us." Are you sure Em? The city can get rough at night"

Ever since I moved here and met back up with my favorite cousin. April's been pretty much keeping an eye on me all the time, not that I mind. I just don't wanna feel like a bother to anyone; mostly her.

"Hey if I can stand Casey's jokes than I can stand some of these Purple Dragon bastards out here" I joked to ease her thoughts.

Casey shouted in defense while Angela laughed at him slapping his back harshly to see the visible flash of pain in his face. Before April headed off completely she gave me a hug then the three went off like they usually would than me. I walked to my house with my earbuds in the rest of the way home listening to 'Idol' by one of my favorite groups, BTS. So far, it was fortunately a peaceful walk home alone with no interruptions, before I moved here to New York my hometown was California and most of the streets were very known of any misfortune over there.

It was around six in the afternoon when my keys unlocked the dark brown wooden door. It was a apartment duplex, the walls were either thin or the noisy people in the many homes around us were too loud for my liking. I shook my head still somehow hearing them through my own music blasting through my ears. Once making it to the third floor and going to the fifth door down on the left I fished out my keys to enter a unlit two bedroom, one bathroom complex with a small living room and kitchen beside eachother.

" Honey, I'm home!" I sung out in a lazy tone swinging the door open.

I knew no one would reply with a sound or even a remark, but continued to hope someone someday would reply back one day. Mom wasn't home of course because of her busy nurse schedule at the hospital which meant left over Chinese takeout food.

Setting my bookbag down on my bed when I entered my room and multitasked with eating and doing my chemistry homework. My bedroom was in my favorite shade of mint green as the base color on my bedsheets, while the white walls and white and gold furniture completed the desired look I wanted. My homework was done in a half an hour and food has been devoured already. After stuffing my completed work back inside my bag, I head my tv was calling my name. My mom never had a reason to pay for tv that she doesn't watch leaving me stuck to watching re-runs of an old show called Sailor Moon, it sounds whack but it was way better than the jewelry channel.

In the middle of the twelfth episode of season 9 I was so zoomed into watching, I almost missed the rather loud commotion coming from outside the only window in the living room. Knowing to not interfere; I placed my eyes back on the small screen of my television, yet the noise making outside became louder to an irritating pitch of annoyance. I increased the volume of the tv to not help the situation at all, now I'm mad.

I put on my black fuzzy house boots and started walking to the fire escape. I didn't decorate the small rusty patio much, just a flower pot that needed watering and flowers and an additional key under the mat just in case I lose my keys. With training, my body ducked down the windowsill and outside the cooler air; I maybe should've brought a jacket. There was nothing unusual besides the normal dumpster that had ripped up boxes and trash collecting around the large bin, brick walls from the tall buildings surrounding the dark alleyway, and five men in the same black suits standing in a circle with a glowing tube of something green.

'Yeah sure nothing out of the ordinary....'

My curiosity got the best of me. "What the hell"; walking closer to get a better view letting my hands rest on the old rail to lean over a bit. The five men were already a strange site to see in the middle of the night, adding on for the fact that they still have the same bored face, and same face in general.

My movements froze stiff when I heard a screeching cat near me, looking down to see my foot accidentally stepped on the poor things tail. Viewing a shocking sight, the little kitten scurried away from me and the sound of electronics from below us in fright. The shade of a highlighted purple bloomed through the once dark air. My eyelids felt as if they were on their limit to stretch any wider at the sight.

      'I just wanted to watch T.V. dammit'

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

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