🔮Day 1 (1/4)🔮

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Yes I'm re-writing this Book. Since it was my first one I was pretty inexperienced so I will try putting more emotions in it. 💜 The comments sadly won't stay on the sentences you wrote it on into but that's how it is now.

Thank you for over 60 K Views.
I still don't know how I reached to go this far.💜


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I woke up with a guilty feelings this morning. This is the first time after years that I attend school again. I didn't skipped school or anything in the past, I was home-schooled by my two ‚Parents' because I have some deep anxiety problems in the society. If it's at home whenever we get guests or just me going quickly into a store to buy stuff.

I used to get lots of panic attack when I'm with alot of people together.It was like that since I was little but it grew more as a bad habit of mine that I can't let go off so I'm used to it but now my ‚parents' have decided that I should go back to school.

Why I say ‚parents' so weirdly? Well I will explain it once we get further into the story. The story of my life.

Still these questions surrounded my head.

Will everything be alright ? Do I make friends? Ah i don't care, I'm the sweetest person on earth anyway.

"SUNOO!" someone shouted. Now I remember again one of the reasons I have a headache. He was screaming my name for the past 20 minutes thinking I'm not awake yet.

I looked to the side and noticed I had sunk in my mind that I hadn't noticed that someone was standing next to my bed. "Sunoo are you okay?" the person asked me and held his palm upon my forehead.

"Yes K Hyung, I just thought about what I'm wearing today," I replied, standing up as I stretched out and yawned loudly.

"Hurry up, Hanbinnie makes breakfast right now!" he said, walking out the door in his pace making sure to keep his gaze still at me.

"Yah... I can also go alone, you just want to have me off the house quickly so you can flirt with Hanbin... " I whispered making his raise his eyebrow...

"Sunoo" What did you say?Should I come in?" K said in a dark and creepy voice through the doorway. He opened the door but I just managed to throw myself against the door and block it.  "Nothing Hyung! I just talked to myself and said how much I love you!" I screamed in panic knowing how imitating Hyung could actually be!

"I love you too," he said, and I heard his voice become quieter as he walked down the stairs. This ‚I love you' sounded sincerly and soft, it made me feel alot of better now so I started picking out my outfit for today's day.

I looked at my wardrobe and slowly started putting an outfit together that I thought looks pretty casual but still not over the top.I put on a loose white shirt, black jeans and white shoes.While I put on some jewelleries Hanbin got inside the bathroom.

„Hey Sun, just checking on you. Scared?" I shrugged my shoulders but he didn't left just yet. He put around my finger one of the rings he wore daily. „It fits to that outfit and it's something what will protect you."

I love Hanbin and K. I love them but I can't show it like other people would. I can't easily go to them and hug them. I can't say sweet words back or show them any sign of love.

Whenever I tried, my brain shut down. I'm selfish I know, I know they deserve someone better. - Still,I loved them more the anyone else in the world. I hope you will remember that whatever I react to like..whatever happens..

As he left I started taking care of my messy hair that I tried to style and started my makeup rountine.After 54 minutes I was finally done and I was glad because I just wanted to sit down and go trough thid hell-alike-day.

I reached for my school bag and my mobile phone, left my room and locked it. I've been looking my room since I live here.I do this because my father used to go to my room and destroy everything in it. It has become a habit. I moved in here when I was 13 and now I'm 17.K Hyung and Hanbin Hyung picked me up after they found me outside on the street.I have no contact with my father after my mother died. I just remember me, my mother and another person sitting in the car and then we drove into another car.

My dad gave me the fault and after a whole hell of a ride other would call a single year, he kicked me out of the house. K Hyung and Hanbin Hyung are like parents to me and I hope they will stay with me longer than my actual parents.It's not like I'm that..bad..These 2 are the only ones I have and... Ugh.. I forgot about this single person who likes to tackl-
"SUNOOOOoOoO" screamed Nicolas hyung and jump towards me...tackling me down like I expected-

We both fell to the ground and Hanbin and K just laughed at me when I looked at Nicolas annoyed.
Nicolas is one of the most annoying people in the world but he was the one who asked hanbin and k if I can stay with them.Nicolas and K are Brothers and Hanbin is K's Boyfriend.I mean.. They are kinda cute together.

Although Nicolas is a pain in the ass,he's the first friend I ever had I think.
"Sunoo I made you breakfast." Nicolas said, helping me getting up. "Thank you nico but I'm not hungry."

Everyone was just looking at me weirdly.
"No hunger? You're the first one who's overreacting when he doesn't get a meal in the morning." K Hyung said and looked at me anxiously. I gave him a sassy look back knowing that It's true what he said but I didn't liked admitting it for my tiny pride that is still left in my soul. " I'm not hungry, let's go Hanbin Hyung.Bye Nico Hyung ,bye K Hyung. I hurried outside of the door and after I got my shoes and walked out the door, I already saw Hyung's car. I opened the car door in the back but..

I know K Hyung likes it more for me to sit in the front so.. I do it for today at least because I know he cares. When I made myself a bit comfortable, I took out the hand mirror from my bag that I held between my legs.

"I'm hungry but I'd eat now I'd probably hand over myself from nervousness." I whispered to myself and looked at my phone now. Not alot of messages but enough to make me turn off my phone, closing my eyes to hope for a normal day..

 Not alot of messages but enough to make me turn off my phone, closing my eyes to hope for a normal day

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Hehe I hope you kinda like the first chapter. It isn't long because I'm not sure if you guy's would like to read more if it but yeaaaa... I hope you enjoyed it. Btw

Sunoo looks like this right now ^~^

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Sunoo looks like this right now ^~^

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