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"The time has come." Dumbledore broke the silence. He had just apparated into 12 Grimmauld Place, where Sirius was staying, hiding from the Ministry. It was long before known as the House of Black, and was protected by a Fidelius Charm. No one would ever find them here. "You know it has, Sirius. Aurora must attend Hogwarts this year."

"She's just a child, Albus." Sirius began, but he knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. No matter if he pleaded or tried to reason, this was just the way things were. He knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but that didn't make things any easier.

"She's just a child with outstanding power." Dumbledore rephrased, and Sirius sighed. "It shouldn't be this way, but it is. Those kids, they're our future. And we need them if we are to have any hope in this fight."

"I know."

"Do you need supplies?" Dumbledore asked. It was too unsafe to go out nowadays, to Diagon Alley. Not many stores were open anymore, anyways.

"No, I was planning to pass my items done unto her." Sirius replied, and he nodded in understanding. "She already has a familiar, and her father's wand."

"You're her father, Sirius. No matter what happens, you will always be her father." He reached out and placed his hand on his old friend's shoulder. Sirius stared back at him, wondering how he was able to do that. Sirius was an excellent wizard himself, but no one compared to Albus Dumbledore.

"Thank you." He said genuinely, and Albus nodded simply in reply. Sirius turned around when he heard the small pitter-patter of the girl's feet. "Darling, why are you out of bed?"

She stared at Dumbledore with a sort of fear in her eyes. Sirius, given his situation and hers, had hardly ever taken her out of this house. He hated that for her. He knew it was going to be hard for her to make friends or trust anyone. He just hated the way things had been for her, it wasn't fair, any of it. But, he was lucky enough to be her father through all of it.

"I heard talking." She said flatly. He knew when he left, this was what would happen. When she found out that he had been taken away, she would never trust anyone because of that. It would cause her to be cold and harsh to everyone. But, the little girl Sirius knew was kind and she always chose to see the good in everyone.

"Yes..." He paused, struggling to find the words to say. He hadn't told her anything about her past or about the wizarding world. He was trying to shield her, though he knew the day would come when Albus would take her from him. Now, he was regretting the way he went about things. He should've taught her everything, all the history, so she wouldn't be in the dark.

"Aurora, I'm Albus Dumbledore, a good friend of your father's." He introduced himself, sticking his hand out to her. She wasn't afraid necessarily, but she didn't know if her father was in trouble. She didn't want them to take him away from her again. Little did she know, they were going to take her away from him. He watched as she discreetly put her hand on her hidden wand, discreet enough to get past anyone but him. "There's no need to be afraid. Your father's safe. No one can find you here."

"So how did you find us, then?" She spat, and Sirius grabbed her shoulder and rubbed it reassuringly. Her face instantly softened.

"I told you, I'm a friend. I promise I mean no harm." He smiled gently. She relaxed herself and put her hand back to her side once she'd looked at Sirius for confirmation.

"Albus is a good friend of mine, but you'll call him Professor Dumbledore." He said, and she gave him a confused look.


"Yes, Aurora." Dumbledore jumped in, saving Sirius once more. "Every witch and wizard attends an academy. It's time for you to do so. You'll be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

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