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Harry stood there in shock after he had already walked past. He didn't think he'd ever heard Draco Malfoy call him by just Harry and in such a gentle voice. He knew the only way he was able to put aside his pride and greet him like that was if he truly did love Aurora. Maybe the way he acted, his frustratingly annoying bullying, was all just an act, like she said. Finally, he entered the compartment and sat down in front of her. He swallowed hard. "I came to apologize—"

"It's okay." She cut him off quickly. "I don't want to argue anymore. That really hurt my feelings. I thought I was going to lose you."

"No matter anything you did, you'd never lose me. We're family." He reached over and grabbed her hand. "Look, I've always had a hatred for Malfoy, and I didn't like you being with him. I took my anger and frustration in him out on you. I said a lot of things, but I didn't mean them. Maybe in that moment, but I've had time to reflect. I should've just talked to your first, and heard you out, but I didn't. And I should've believed you, because you're my sister. My favorite thing about you is your ability to see the good in everyone, and to somehow bring it out of them. I know Sirius taught you that, and he would be really proud of you right now. I can see that Malfoy clearly makes you happy and treats you well. I can tell he really loves you. So, if you say that he's being forced to do this and he has no other options, then, well, we'll do our best to help him. But you have to tell us what you know."

She smiled at him and pulled him into a quick hug. "Thank you for believing me."

"Thank you for forgiving me after all the awful things I said." He nodded.

"We can't interfere much. I don't know what his plans are and he hasn't come out to say it, but we all know that necklace was a direct attack on Dumbledore." She chose her words carefully. "But I also know Draco. He won't do it, he won't be able to kill him if that's what he has to do. But, he has no way out of this. If we interfere too much, Voldemort will kill him and his parents, and they don't deserve that. Draco doesn't deserve that."

"I understand. I've kind of put that all together for myself." He paused. "If Snape made an Unbreakable Vow, then he'll be the one who has to do it. But I... I trust him. So, what happens to you? What happens if you break an Unbreakable Vow?"

"You die." Aurora sighed. When she got onto the platform, she looked around. Draco was greeting his mum. She hugged him tightly and gave him a kiss. She smiled at that before turning and walking over towards Molly and Arthur. She was happy to be home for Christmas, but this would be her first one without Sirius. She didn't want to forget about him, but she tried not to think about it too hard.

They returned home and all got settled. The place was decorated for Christmas, and on Christmas Eve, you could already smell the wonderful foods cooking for the next day. While everyone was asleep, Aurora went and woke Harry. She motioned for him to follow her, and they went downstairs. She magically whipped up some hot cocoa, and lit the fire. She sat down in front of it and patted the spot next to her on the floor. Harry just sat down, too, not sure what they were doing. "Sorry for not much explanation. I didn't want to wake anyone."

"But me?" He retorted. She chuckled.

"This is just something my father and I would do every Christmas Eve. Although, oftentimes, he was the fire." She smiled, remembering all the times. Harry reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze but not pulling away after.

"We won't forget about him." He assured her.

"I know." She paused. "Look at us."

"I miss him." Harry sighed.

"I do too." She nodded, leaning over to lay her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her. They sat there for a little while, just talking about their favorite memories of Sirius. Of course, Aurora had a lot more, but not too many more. 

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