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The day came where Neville finally mastered the Expelliarmus spell. Everyone excitedly congratulated him. They'd all become so close, like a family. This was a win for them all and they were genuinely happy for him. "Fantastic, Neville!"

"Well done, man!"

"You did it!"

The class had grown overtime. As winter break approached and they said goodbye for the time, Aurora had noticed that. As everyone began to file out, thanking the two of them and wishing them a Merry Christmas, Harry and Aurora noticed that Cho had stayed behind. She gave him a smile. "I'll see you later. Good luck. Don't choke!"

"Shut it." He whisper-yelled at her, and she just gave him a cheeky smile. He really enjoyed having a sister. He approached Cho as she stood in front of the mirror, which they'd ended up placing the picture of the original Order on, along with a picture of Cedric. "Are you alright? I heard Umbridge gave you a rough time the other day."

"Yeah, I'm okay." She nodded. "Anyways, it's worth it."

They both looked at the picture of Cedric, smiling fondly.

"It's just... learning all this, makes me wonder whether he'd known it."

"Cedric- Cedric did know this stuff." Harry stuttered. "He was really good. It's just, Voldemort was better."

"You're a really good teacher, Harry. You and your girlfriend." She complimented, and Harry's eyes widened.

"My— My girlfriend? Where in the world did you get that idea?"

"Well, I just thought... Everyone says... Well, you're very friendly with each other." She shrugged. He just laughed.

"Aurora is... like my sister. Her father is my Godfather, and that's why we're so close. That would just be... weird." He said, and she smiled slightly at that news. The two of them looked above them as mistletoe grew from the ceiling.


"Probably full of Nargles, though." Harry joked, but she didn't spend enough time with Luna to understand.

"What are Nargles?" She asked.

"I have no idea." He spoke, both of their voices barely above a whisper. And finally, he kissed her. It was somewhat magical.

Just before Christmas break, Aurora couldn't help but let her mouth get the best of her. She'd done so well all year, but finally, Umbridge made her snap. Someone had mentioned Voldemort, which made her angry. She quickly shut down their accusations in a way she shouldn't have. The whole time she spoke, she made sly glances at Aurora. "These disappearances, these actions are being committed by none other than notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black. You all know this. The Ministry is doing everything they can to find him. That scum of a man will return back to Azkaban where he belongs."

A few people looked at Aurora to see her reaction. Just as Umbridge turned back to face the board and they all thought nothing was going to happen, she broke her silence. "That's my father you're speaking of."

"Pardon me?" Umbridge questioned with that large grin, turning back to face the class. Aurora stood up, and Hermione's eyes widened. This wasn't going to be good.

"That's my father you're speaking of!" She repeated, raising her voice.

"And your father is a criminal, end of story."

"You know nothing about him, none of you do. My father is not responsible for these disappearances, or those murders! It was all Voldemort and his followers! When are you going to realize that—"

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