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They all rushed over to the assorted cauldrons throughout the room. Aurora had brewed this potion before, but who knew if it would be to his standards. Nonetheless, she got to work. Everyone else throughout the room was struggling right off the bat. The books were vague, but Aurora didn't learn from a book. She was taught by hand, out of her father's mouth. It was nice to have a list, though. She took the blade of her knife and pressed down on the Sopophorous Bean to release the juice easily. She looked over when Hermione had asked "How did you do that?"

She was talking to Harry, though. "You crush it, don't cut it."

"No, the instructions specifically say to cut." She argued.

"No, really." He chuckled at her need to always follow the rules carefully. She tried it, seeing that it worked. On the other side of the room, Seamus had somehow blown himself up. Cho had created a goo. Hermione simply looked like a mess. Aurora was fine, though. She used the book for a list, but trusted her own gut from what her father had taught her despite what the book said. It was simply wrong, setting one up for failure. Once the class was almost over, Slughorn had them stop and he walked around the room and examined their potions. He went to Harry's first, dropping a leaf into it. He smiled.

"Merlin's beard, it's perfect. So perfect I daresay one drop would kill us all." He grinned happily. Hermione looked over at him, forcing a smile though she was jealous. She'd worked so hard her hair had even frizzed up, just for the potion to be insufficient. He moved over to Aurora, and the same thing happened to the leaf. "Magnificent, both of you. I would expect nothing less from you two. So, here we are, then, as promised. One vial of Felix Felicis. I didn't expect for there to be two winners."

"Harry can have it." Aurora decided with a shrug. "I don't need any luck."

Slughorn chuckled at her as he handed it to Harry. "Congratulations, use it well."

Everyone began clapping reluctantly. Harry smiled, thinking about the things he was going to be able to use it for. He had to pick one of those things wisely, though. After classes were over, Dumbledore had sent for the two of them. They walked into his office after knocking a few times. "Ah, Harry, Aurora. You two got my message. How are the both of you? How was your summer at the Burrow, Aurora?"

"It was lovely." She nodded.

"And you, Harry? How are you?"

"I'm fine, sir." He smiled.

"Enjoying your classes?" He asked. "I've heard Professor Slughorn is most impressed with you two. He says he expected nothing less from the children of James and Lily Potter."

"So, he knows? About me?" Aurora asked, and Dumbledore nodded with a booming chuckle.

"Of course, it isn't hard to hide it from the people who knew your parents. You have your mother's eyes, and your father's hair. And you have Lily's heart and intelligence." He explained.

"And my real father's." Aurora added quickly, and Dumbledore nodded knowingly. She didn't want to discredit him or forget about him.

"Of course."

"I think he overestimates my abilities, sir." Harry admitted, and she looked over at him. She couldn't help but wonder how he'd perfected the potion considering how misleading the book was.

"Oh, do you?" Dumbledore chuckled.

"Definitely." Harry breathed out.

"What about your activities outside the classroom?"

"Sir?" Harry questioned.

"Well, I notice you spend a great deal of time with Miss Granger. I can't help wondering if—" He began, and Harry quickly cut him off as Aurora snickered.

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