twenty nine

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"Harry, Hermione and I have been thinking." Ron stopped them in the Marble staircase, where everyone was running around crazily, on a mission to help. "It doesn't matter if we find a Horcrux."

"What do you mean?" Harry shook his head. Aurora was equally as confused.

"Unless we can destroy it. So, we were thinking..."

"Ron was thinking. It was Ron's idea. It's completely brilliant." She corrected.

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a Basilisk fang, right? Well, me and Hermione know where we might find one." He explained.

"Okay." Harry nodded, digging in his back pocket. He handed Ron the Maurader's Map. "Okay, but take this. That way you can find us when you get back."

"Where are you two going?" Hermione called as they took off up the stairs.

"Ravenclaw common room!" He replied. "Gotta start somewhere!"

"You two be careful!" Aurora pointed at them. Before they could get anywhere, though, and after Ron and Hermione set off to the Chamber of Secrets, Luna called after them.

"Harry, Aurora!" She pushed after the crowd of people as she went after them. Meanwhile, McGonagall sent Neville and Seamus on a mission, and she and the others worked on securing and protecting the castle. She brought to life the knights outside the Great Hall to help defend them, and the others casted protective enchantments. It was amazing, seeing everyone work together for the greater good. Everyone showcased their amazing skill and talent today. They knew Voldemort was coming and he was going to get in either way, but they were doing their best to hold them off so Harry and Aurora had enough time to do what they had to do.

For the two, it was hard to make it through all the people. Finally, Luna caught up to them. "Harry, wait! I need to talk to you two!"

"We're a bit preoccupied at the moment, Luna." He replied as Aurora stopped. He pulled her along quickly. He knew they didn't have enough time before Voldemort got there.

"You won't find anything where you're going! You're wasting your time!" She exclaimed, trying her hardest to get them to listen.

"Look, we'll talk later, okay, Luna?" He continued to drag Aurora along, who gave her an apologetic look.



"Harry Potter!" She screamed, finally making him stop. "You listen to me right now! Don't you remember what Cho said about the diadem? There's not a person alive who's seen it. It's obvious, isn't it? We have to talk to someone who's dead."

Harry came to a realization, then. They stepped over the window to look outside, seeing the protective spell cover the castle.

"It's very impressive, isn't it?" She admired it with them. They went to find the ghost of Helena Ravenclaw, whom Luna knew and had spoke to before. She would know where it is for sure. It was incredibly clever for Luna to come up with. And to think he wasn't going to give her the time of day. "If you're to find her, you'll find her down there."

"Aren't you coming?" Aurora asked.

"No. I think it's best if you three talk alone. She's very shy." She told them, then walked away. They stepped through the corridors that weren't very well kept. Finally, they saw her. They walked over to her gently, careful not to alarm her.

"You're the Grey Lady, the Ghost of Ravenclaw Tower." Harry observed, and Aurora was just silent.

"I do not answer to that name." She replied, vanishing.

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