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"I'm sorry, sir. We wouldn't bother you if it weren't absolutely essential." He began, and Slughorn looked past them at Ron, who was staring around dreamily.

"Where's Romilda?" He questioned in a soft voice.

"What's the matter with Wenby?" Slughorn asked.

"Very powerful love potion." Aurora whispered to him.

"Very well. Better bring him in." He said, and they did so. "I thought either of you could whip up a remedy for this in no time."

"Well, I thought this called for a more practiced hand, sir." He shrugged, and they watched as Ron wrapped his arms around Slughorn.

"Hello, darling. Fancy a drink?" He asked, and Slughorn's eyes widened as he looked over at them.

"Perhaps you're right." He nodded. Harry walked over and pried Ron off of him, sitting him on the couch forcefully.

"I'm sorry, by the way, professor, about earlier today. Our... misunderstanding." Aurora apologized.

"Oh, not at all. All water under the bridge, you know? Correct?" He looked over at her, and she nodded. Harry was going to let her handle this, he knew she was good at it.

"I expect you're tired of it after all these years. All the questions about Voldemort." She shrugged.

"Don't use that name!" He scolded her. They looked back as Ron had fallen over the couch, somehow. Harry sat him down roughly once more.

"There you are, old boy. Bottoms up." Slughorn handed him the concoction.

"What's this?" He asked as he took it.

"Tonic for the nerves." He replied. Ron took a drink of it, and as it went down, his smile faded immediately.

"What happened to me?" He asked quickly.

"Love potion." Harry answered.

"A bloody strong one at that." Slughorn took the drink from his hands.

"I feel really bad..." Ron sighed.

"You need a pick-me-up, my boy. Got butterbeer, wine, dazzling oak-matured mead. I had other intentions for this, but I think given the circumstances..." He cracked open the mead and handed them all a glass. They cheersed, and Aurora and Ron took a drink at the same time. As soon as they did, they collapsed to the floor, beginning to shake. Harry shoved his drink over to Slughorn and rushed over to them.

"Aurora? Ron?" He questioned, but they sounded like they were choking. A foam formed from their mouths as they continued to seize. "Professor, do something!"

"I-I don't understand... " He shook his head, wondering what had happened. Harry rushed over to his belongings and began looking for a cure, anything. He found some Bezoar and opened their mouths, giving it to them. They stopped breathing, and he hoped he'd done it in time.

"Come on, Aurora, Ron, breathe..." He begged. Finally, they sat up quickly. He helped Aurora sit up straight as she choked. Ron leaned over onto his side to look at them. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, just weak..." She muttered. He rubbed her back gently.

"These girls are going to kill me..." Ron sighed out, falling back. 

"Let's call for Madame Pomfrey and get them to the hospital wing." He looked at Slughorn, who was still in shock but nodded. Aurora's head was still kind of woozy, but she thought back to what Draco had said, about poisoning something. But, why would Slughorn have it?

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