twenty two

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Aurora awoke to an abundance of kisses down her bare back from Draco. She began to smile to herself, turning over to face him. He smiled back at her upon seeing her face. "Good morning, darling." He spoke out, his voice much deeper upon first waking up. They had their arms and legs tangled together as they laid there, just happy to be with each other.

"Good morning." She mumbled out, taking one of her hands to reach up and rub her eyes. The sun was shining in on them brightly, but she didn't mind it. She liked it, it brought her happiness. It didn't compare to the way she felt when she looked at Draco, though.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked genuinely. He asked her that every morning. He really cared about her.

"Wonderful. I feel like a new woman." She chuckled lightly. "How did you?"

"Oh, you know I always sleep great next to you." He leaned over, kissing her head. She pulled him back, connecting their lips. "Oh, does someone want to go for round two this morning?"

"I wish." She murmured, and he let out a breathy laugh against her neck, making goosebumps form along her soft skin. He grinned at her as her face turned red. "We haven't time."

"I know." He nodded. "But, we may have time for breakfast."

"Are you cooking?" She retorted, and he smiled again.

"Whatever you want, baby." He nodded, and she thought for a moment.

"Scrambled eggs, bacon, english muffins, and sausage gravy, blueberry pancakes, and a fruit parfait with some coffee." She grinned at him as he wore a playful look of surprise.

"Well, if I'm preparing all that, I think I deserve a round two." He kissed her again, and she giggled.

"You can have all the round two's you want. Round three, round four, round five..."

"Like it that good, do we?" He teased her, continuing to leave kisses all around her body.

"When it comes to you, of course." She replied obviously. "Maybe we should just stay here in bed, all day."

"All day, everyday." He agreed.

"Well, why couldn't we?" She pulled away to look at him.

"Because, it's not real." He said, and she gave him a confused look. "You need to wake up, Aurora."


"Wake up."

Aurora sat up to see Harry leaning over her. She rubbed her eyes quickly, shocked by being back in the real world. "Another dream about Draco?"

"Another dream about Ginny?" She retorted, and he knew he was right. She'd obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed because of that, and didn't appreciate being woken up at all. She threw her legs over the bed and walked past him to begin getting ready. She knew what they had to do today, and the others were doing the same thing— saying goodbye. Aurora was meeting her other family today, not that she was entirely excited considering what Harry had told her about them after all his years of living with them. It seemed the Dursley's hated magic, thought they were freaks. Still, she felt it necessary to meet them considering what they were going to be faced up against. They were relocating so they were protected. They knew the Death Eaters would come question them and do unspeakable things to them if they even thought they knew where Harry was. They couldn't let that happen. Hermione took things a little more extreme, by obliviating herself completely from her parents' memories and life.

The Ministry had declared to keep their citizens safe, despite Voldemort being back and better than ever. Everyone was terrified after Dumbledore's death. They knew things were really bad now, even the Muggles. More and more disappearances were happening everyday, and the dark and dreary weather persisted. The world was dreadful and somber. It just made them realize more and more how important their task was— and how they had to do it. "I'm sorry things are like this."

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