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"Harry!" Molly approached him first, giving him a hug.

"Mrs. Weasley." He smiled, melting into her motherly hug.

"Heavens you're alright." She squeezed the life out of him. He just smiled. He clearly loved these people. Sirius stood in the back, his arm wrapped comfortingly around Aurora. "Bit peaky, but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait until the adults have our meeting."

"About that—"

"Nope, no time to explain." She squeezed his cheeks.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, running up to him and attacking him with a hug. "Are you alright? We've heard them talking about the Dementor attack. You must tell us everything."

"Let a man breathe, Hermione." Ron walked up behind her, chuckling.

"And this hearing at the Ministry! It's just outrageous! I've looked it up, they simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair." She spoke exasperatedly. Aurora could see how she could become a lot to handle. Very overwhelming. But, she was kind and good hearted. She just clearly cared about him a lot. She wondered if she loved him.

"Yeah, there's a lot of that going around at the moment." He paused, taking a look around. He spotted Sirius in the back, standing with a girl. He had briefly mentioned a daughter before, but never about a woman. Sirius always kept her a secret, out of harm's way. When he offered to use his home for the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, she went away. He loved her, and he wanted to always keep her protected. Most people didn't even know she existed. But, she was more like a friend than anything. A friend to Lily and James, especially, as she helped to raise Aurora.

"Hello, Harry." Sirius greeted him. Harry couldn't help himself as he went up and hugged him. Aurora just looked at them, not sure what to do. That was her brother, and he did look a lot like her. They had the same eyes for sure. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

"Your daughter." Harry said knowingly. He stuck out his hand towards her, and he wasn't sure what to do when she didn't react. She just didn't say anything. He wondered why everyone was watching this interaction so intently. He felt a little embarrassed, now.

"Yes, my daughter, but..." Sirius paused, looking back at the others. Why did they always put him in the toughest situations of explanation? "Your sister."

"Oh, yes. Because you're my Godfather." Harry nodded, still not seeing it.

"Harry, Aurora is your, er..." He swallowed. "Twin sister."

He blinked a few times. "Huh?"

"Lily and James decided to separate the two of you at birth to keep you both safe. She knew Voldemort was going to come eventually, and she saw this as the only way. She kept Aurora a secret, and gave her to me. I've raised her ever since and taught her everything she knows. Until the day came that Dumbledore wanted to take her to Hogwarts. She's our secret weapon against Voldemort." Sirius explained poorly. Harry looked to Aurora. Both of them felt like they were almost staring in some kind of mirror.

"I've always had..."

"Dreams?" She finished questioningly, and he nodded. "Me too."

"I'm sorry, I never knew you... existed." He apologized.

"I didn't know you did either, until last night." She shrugged. There was a moment of awkward silence before Harry pulled her in for a tight hug. She was taken aback at first, but when she felt his warmth, she felt a love she didn't know she was missing. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. They all smiled happily, seeing the two of them together. Sirius was especially pleased to see how easily they connected already. He just knew they would.

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