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I'm so pleased you're enjoying your time at Hogwarts. I told you you'd love it. I know it was intimidating at first, but then it wasn't. So, like I told you, never be scared of anything. It will always turn out just fine in the end. I'm beyond proud of you, especially for being sorted into Gryffindor. Congratulations, darling! And maybe you're right, maybe I was secretly hoping for that to be your house. I'll admit that now seeing as it is. As for your situation with Harry, I hope all things are going well. I really do hope for you two to have a great relationship. And, I would give the advice of letting him fight his own battles. I know you care about him, but those are his battles. It's fine to have help, but mainly let him handle it. I would pay no attention to the Malfoy boy. He's just like his father, cowardice and weak. I know you want to see the best in people, Aurora, but they are not good people. You should not meddle with them. I'd have to assume your friends already told you this. Don't do anything out of line, especially in Umbridge's class. You need not draw attention to yourself. I miss you dearly, the house is empty without you, despite everyone being here. But, don't worry about me. Enjoy your classes and I'll see you soon.

Love you the mostest,

Harry avoided them for the next few days, and it was easy because they were all very preoccupied with their homework. Hermione reassured her it was only this bad for the first week, but she couldn't say much for Umbridge's class. It was like hell. One morning, Aurora finally spotted him in the crowded halls between classes. She needed to talk to him, and she didn't know if she'd get the chance to again. "Harry!" She called, and he looked back at her. He slowed his pace so that she could catch up. "Hey, where have you been?"

"Sorry, I've had a lot of work to do." He mumbled. She frowned slightly. This wasn't how she wanted things to go between them. She wanted a brother, she wanted them to trust each other deeply and to always have each other's backs. Did he not want that? Was she being too much?

"I'm sorry for being pushy about the quill thing. I understand that may have been too much, and I never meant to get on your nerves. I'm sorry, I don't want this to—"

"Aurora," He cut her off, chuckling. She gave him a look. What was so funny? "Don't apologize. I know you all just care about me, you don't want Umbridge to get away with this. But, we have to pick and choose our battles right now. Anyways, don't apologize. I was upset about things at the time and I shouldn't have reacted that way. Honestly, I haven't been the greatest... friend... and I'm sorry about that. I really am. I want to do better."

She smiled slightly, glad he wasn't mad and that he was coming to his senses. "It's okay, we're new at this. We'll get better at it. And listen, I'm a pushy person sometimes and you're going to have to learn how to deal with it because... Well, you're stuck with me. And I just care about you."

"I know, and I care about you. I'm really glad to have you in my life, I am. Things are just hard right now. But, we're together now. Nothing's going to change that, I promise." He assured her. He had a conversation with Luna before, and she put things in perspective for him. He was thankful for that. This was exactly what Voldemort wanted, was for Harry to push his friends away so he wasn't so much of a threat anymore. He couldn't do that, he couldn't let him win. He especially needed Aurora on his side, and he knew he wasn't being a good brother. He wanted that to change because he wanted her around as much as she wanted him around.

"Good. Because I want us to have the relationship where we're always there for each other no matter what and we can talk to each other about anything." She said, and he nodded in agreement. "So, I'll give you time and space, but I just want you to know you can come talk to me about whatever it is that's bothering you."

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