thirty one

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As he walked to the Forbidden Forest, the Snitch opened to Harry's touch. It revealed the Resurection Stone, which he used to see James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus. It didn't work like it was rumored to. Their spirits just appeared to him, he couldn't touch them. "You've been so brave, sweetheart, you and your sister. I wish I could see her."

"Why are you here? All of you?" He asked quickly.

"We never left." Lily shook her head. He began to cry, then, having tried to prevent himself from it.

"Does it... does it hurt? Dying?" He asked.

"Quicker than falling alseep." Sirius assured him.

"You're nearly there, son." James gave him a smile.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted any of you to die for me. And Remus, your son..."

"Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. One day, he'll understand." He replied, which was very noble.

He looked around at all of them. "You'll stay with me?"

James smiled and nodded. "Until the end."

"And he won't be able to see you?"

"No. We're here, you see." Sirius pointed to his heart. "We've always been there, and in Aurora's, too. I do miss her."

"Stay close to me." He begged.

"Always." Lily said, and he dropped the small Resurrection Stone on the forest floor so that no one could ever find it again, hopefully. Just when they thought he wasn't coming, Harry walked out of the shadows and to the clearing where they all stood. Voldemort turned to face him, then. The boy he's always wanted to kill.

He looked over to see Hagrid, whom they had tied up. "Harry? No! What are you doing here!"

"Quiet!" They hushed him.

Harry wasn't scared or worried, not now. He knew he'd be with his family and his loved ones in the afterlife. And he knew that Aurora and the others were going to end Voldemort once and for all. He knew what he was dying for, and he felt good about it.

"Harry Potter." The name rolled off his tongue so smoothly. "The Boy Who Lived. Come to die." He raised his wand, then. Harry didn't even have one on him. He closed his eyes tightly. Voldemort pulled his arm back and yelled with every ounce of his being, "Avada Kedavra!"

For a brief moment in the afterlife, Harry spoke with Dumbledore. He expressed how proud and fond of him he was. His afterlife was white and comfortable. It looked faintly like King's Cross Station, only cleaner and without all the trains. He explained a few things to him, like Snape and Lily, then said, "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it."

There was a large burst of green light when Voldemort casted the curse. It filled the entire forest, making them cover their eyes. Voldemort was even knocked back by it. Bellatrix quickly helped him up. He pushed her off of him, though. Narcissa went to check if he was dead, and she was surprised to feel a pulse. If he could survive the killing curse twice... She knew exactly what she wanted to say and do. "Is he alive? Draco, is he alive?"

He slightly nodded his head. She got up then, and looked at them all.

"Dead." She confirmed, lying directly to them all. She'd played her cards right, never actually becoming a Death Eater but being in Voldemort's main circle considering he wanted her at her husband's side. She knew now there was her chance, her chance to convert to the side of light. She fooled him, proving her allegiance to Harry and the others.

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