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Aurora spotted Draco as she was walking through the halls of Hogwarts, while searching for Harry. They were going home for Christmas break today. No one was around, so she rushed to catch up to him. He looked over to see who it was, and smiled pleasantly when he saw it was her. "How's your arm?"

"It healed the next morning, thanks to you." She showed him, and it left no scarification.

"Good, I'm pleased to hear that." He told her. She nodded. "Are you heading home for break?"

"Yeah, I was looking for Harry so we could get on the train together. Have you seen him?" She asked.

"Uh, no." He said, and they both chuckled.

"Are you going home?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yes. I'm sure it won't be much of a Christmas, though." He shrugged.

"How come?" She tilted her head to the side. Christmas was her favorite holiday. It'd be a shame for someone not to celebrate it.

"My family... isn't the greatest." He explained, being purposely vague. She just nodded, knowing not to push him to share more information. "So, you and Potter are—"

"I told you, he's not my boyfriend. That would be... weird. We're just friends, like brother and sister." She told him. She wished she could just tell everyone they were actually brother and sister. That would make things a lot easier. "Why?"

"Just wondering." He shrugged, then shot her a smirk. She smiled slightly, knowing why he asked. "Enjoy your holiday, Aurora."

"Merry Christmas, Draco." She waved him off as they parted ways. Finally, she caught up to Harry and they headed home for Christmas. When she walked in, she immediately searched for Sirius. As soon as she spotted him, he engulfed her in a tight hug, picking her up and swinging around.

"My darling girl, how I've missed you!" He almost squeezed the life out of her, but she didn't care. She'd missed him just as much. "Are you still loving Hogwarts?"

"As much as you can with Umbridge in control." She said once he put her down. He smiled at her, already telling she was much more mature and grown than when she left.

"I am just so proud of you." He told her, not able to say it enough. He could see Lily in her more and more everyday, but he could also see himself.

"Aurora told off Umbridge in front of the whole class for blaming you for the disappearances." Ron chuckled, and Sirius gave her a look.

"Ron! You weren't supposed to tell him!" She exclaimed.

"But it was so cool! Aurora is so fearless." Ron hit her arm, and they laughed.

"Well, that's how I raised her to be." Sirius smiled fondly.

On Christmas day, Molly cooked a large dinner for them all. Arthur was able to join them in his wheelchair as he sat at the head of the table. He was doing much better now. She passed out gifts after they ate. She knew the Weasley's didn't make much money, so she was happy she even received a gift. "A nice big box for Ron."

"Big box for him." Fred and George passed it down to him. Molly struggled to figure out which twin was who until she just gave them one. She passed one to Aurora, then clapped. "Come on, open up. I want to see your faces!"

Ron didn't look very pleased with his, but that's how boys were when it came to homemade gifts from their mother. Hermione smiled at him as she saw it. It was just adorable. "Thanks, Mum, it's perfect."

"Just what he wanted, actually." She grinned happily. Fred and George received identical scarves, and immediately put them on.

"Put yours on, Aurora!" They told her, and she did so. She loved it. It was a nice and warm Gryffindor scarf with her last name knitted on the end. Sirius gave her a smile. Harry also got a scarf.

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