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She looked over at him quickly, and he smiled. "Mum taught me apparition a few weeks ago. It's a little tricky still, but I was hoping for the best." He told her, and she hit his arm.

"Draco, you could've got us stranded!" She exclaimed.

"But I didn't." He pointed out, and she shook her head at him. She looked around at the waves crashing. It was beautiful, it reminded her of the time they snuck down to the Great Lakes at Hogwarts. "I thought you might like it here."

"I do." She nodded. "You know, I've never been to the beach."


"Yeah. I wasn't allowed to leave the house. Before I went to Hogwarts, I'd only ever been outside three times." She told him, and he looked at her with bewilderment. "My father just wanted to protect me."

"Well, this is it." He gestured around them. She smiled and nodded. It was breathtaking. It almost brought tears to her eyes. "I, uh, set this up."

She looked down to see a bunch of blankets and pillows on the ground, set up like a pallet. "Are we staying the night?"

"I wish." He chuckled at her joke. He kicked his shoes off and sat down on the blanket. She did the same. He instantly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. She stared up at the moon while holding him. It seemed he needed this, and she was glad she could be there for him. Truthfully, she needed this, too. She began to comb her fingers through his hair, and he could've fallen asleep. But he didn't want to do that, he wanted to enjoy this time with her as long as he could, before it was all over. He pulled away from her and looked up at her as the moonlight shined on her face. She was so beautiful, she was so amazing and powerful. She was everything. And despite it being a short time that he's known her, he knew with all his heart how he felt about her. And because he felt this strongly about her, he knew what he had to do after tonight. "'Rora,"

She hummed in response as she looked over at him. He just took her in for a moment, savoring every second. His heart thumped loudly as he thought about what was going to happen. He didn't want to be without her, he didn't want to lose her, but he had no choice. He did know, though, that Voldemort or no Death Eater was going to lay a hand on her if he could help it. That's why he took his training so seriously.

"I love you." He whispered out, needing her to know. He needed to say it, but he didn't realize how much that was going to hurt her in the future.

"I love you, too." She replied, switching her gaze from his eyes to his lips. He grabbed her face gently and kissed her. She instantly turned to face him, allowing him better access. He leaned back onto the pillows, pulling her with him. One of his hands rested on the back of her neck while the other traveled down to her waist. They kissed each other passionately, and with a fire Draco should've known she had in her. Sure, she was one of the kindest people he'd ever met, but she could also be harsh and intimidating when she wanted to.

He pulled away for a moment to take off his suit jacket, it becoming annoying in their situation. He quickly reconnected their lips, grabbing her leg and pulling it over his side, closing the space between them. As his hand traveled down and grabbed her ass, she let out a small, breathy moan. That made him no longer be able to hold himself back. He was rough, because there were so many things he wanted to do to this girl. He flipped them over all at once, getting on top of her. He placed his hand on her neck, grabbing her jaw and turning her head so he could leave harsh kisses on her neck. It took her by surprise, but she liked it. He sucked on her neck all at once, and she couldn't help herself as she let out a moan. It felt good, and somehow, he knew exactly how to do her.

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