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Aurora headed back to the Common Room with Hermione, still trying to get a good idea of this maze of a place— which they were right about it being like a maze. The twisting staircases were confusing, but Hermione assured her that she would soon grow accustomed to it. When she walked in, everyone gave her stares. They were silent, too, so that made things awkward. Hermione leaned over and whispered to her. "Would you like for me to introduce you? I'm a Prefect this year, so it won't be odd."

"Uh, yeah. Sure." She shrugged. Hermione cleared her throat, and they all looked at her.

"Everyone, this is Aurora Black. She's new, starting her fifth year here. She was homeschooled for a while, but she decided she wanted to attend this year. Even though she's just a fifth year, she's a lot more educated than even some of the eighth years. So, don't think lowly of her because she's getting a little of what's considered a bit of a late start compared to the rest of us." She announced.

"Welcome to house Gryffindor, Black!" One person yelled, and the others clapped and cheered after that. She smiled and said a couple of 'thank you's before sitting down with Hermione, Ginny, and some of their other friends. After a while, Harry walked in. Everyone really got quiet, then. Some were clearly gossiping about him, and when they noticed him walk in, they hurriedly shushed each other. Harry noticed they were reading the story about him in the Daily Prophet. They were probably thinking a lot of things about him right now considering how the Ministry was painting him out to be.

"Dean, Seamus, good holiday?" Harry greeted them awkwardly as he walked past them. They were supposed to be his friends, but he noticed even they had the newspaper in their hands.

"Alright. Better than Seamus's, anyway." Dean replied.

"Me mum didn't want me to come back this year." He threw the paper down and stood up. Aurora couldn't pay attention to anything the girls were saying to her because she was too busy watching them.

"Why not?" Harry asked, but he kind of assumed the answer that was coming.

"Let me see, uh," He pretended to think about it. "Because of you. The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about ya, Harry. And about Dumbledore, as well."

"What, and your mum believes them?" Harry scoffed.

"Well, nobody was there the night Cedric died." Seamus tried to reason poorly.

"Oh, well, I guess you should read the Prophet then, like your stupid mother. It'll tell you everything you need to know." Harry spat. Even Aurora would admit that one was harsh.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!"

"I'll have a go at anyone that calls me a liar." Harry declared.

"What's going on?" Ron asked quickly as he rushed in.

"He's mad is what's going on." Seamus replied. "Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who?"

"Yeah, I do." Ron backed him up, and that made Aurora smile slightly. They really do have good friends. "Does anyone else got a problem with Harry?"

No one said anything, so Harry walked up the stairs to his dormitory. Ron followed. He soon came back down, though. "Ron!"

"Yeah, Aurora?" He stepped over to her once she called his name.

"Is Harry alright?" She asked. He chewed his lip for a moment.

"Yeah, he insists he's fine. He was angry, took it out on me a bit, but I don't blame him. I'd just leave him alone for right now if I were you." He told her. She just nodded and thanked him, and he went over to hang out with Fred and George.

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