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The next day, they were eating breakfast in the Great Hall. Today was the first Quidditch match, and everyone was making fun of Ron, who was clearly nervous. As soon as he sat down next to Aurora, he'd instantly started talking about something so they wouldn't bring it up. "So, how was it?

"How was what?" Hermione asked.

"Your dinner party?" He replied, as if it was obvious.

"Pretty boring, actually." Hermione scoffed, knowing what he was getting at. "Though, I think Harry enjoyed dessert."

Aurora chuckled at that.

"Slughorn's having a Christmas do, you know. And we're meant to bring someone." Hermione mentioned, hinting that she wanted to ask Ron. He was too stupid to see that, though.

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen." Ron replied. "He's in the Slug Club, isn't he?"

"Actually, I was going to ask you." She said, and Aurora stopped herself from cheering. Go, Hermione!

"Really?" He eyed her. Suddenly, Lavender approached them.

"Good luck today, Ron!" She grinned. "I know you'll be brilliant."

"That girl seems a little... obsessive." Aurora commented, thinking back to the Amortentia. They all watched with disgusted faces as she walked away.

"I'm resigning." Ron told Harry. "After today's match, McLaggen can have my spot."

"Have it your way." Harry said, then moved his cup over. "Juice?"

"Hello, everyone." Luna greeted them, and they hadn't even noticed she'd sat down. "You look dreadful, Ron. Is that why you put something in his cup? Is it a tonic?"

Harry placed the small vial back in his pocket, which they realized was the Liquid Luck he'd received earlier this year. Harry grinned at Ron.

"Liquid Luck... Don't drink it, Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. He took the drink anyway. Instantly, he felt... better. "You could be expelled for that."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harry shrugged.

Ron grinned at him as he went to stand up. "Come on, Harry. We've got a game to win."

Harry got up, too, and Aurora rushed after him. When Ron was out of earshot, she leaned over to him. "You didn't actually put it in there, did you?"

"Nope." He shook his head. She smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Good luck, Harry. I can't wait to watch." She said. He smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "Bye!"

They all wore their warmest clothes, but still supported the house they were cheering for. Aurora was wearing a knitted black sweater with the Gryffindor crest and the scarf Molly had made her, along with some leggings layered under jeans, and her warm, all-black combat boots. Her fingers were gloved, and she wore a Gryffindor toboggan. This was the first game she'd gotten to watch, and she was utterly fascinated. She sat between Hermione and Ben. They were trying to keep her caught up on what was happening with the game as she didn't understand it completely at first, but watching it now, it was all making more sense to her.

Hermione reluctantly clapped for Ron, thinking he'd taken the Liquid Luck. Aurora knew the truth, and as he played outstandingly, she cheered for him loudly. The Grffindors were destroying the Slytherins. Everyone began chanting "Weasley, Weasley, Weasley!" As he'd made an amazing, winning save. Back in the Common Room, they continued to cheer for him and hold him up on their shoulders as they celebrated. Ron didn't get this kind of treatment, he'd always felt like he was somewhat in the Chosen One's shadow. He deserved this, and they were happy for him. "You really shouldn't have done it."

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