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"Is that everything? You have absolutely everything you need?" Aurora asked her son, to which he smiled and nodded again.

"Yes, Mum, I told you I did." He replied, closing his trunk.

"Are you sure, though?" She asked again, and he chuckled. "Did you get your wand?"

"Right here."

"All your robes and your uniforms?"

"All in there."

"Your extra clothes and warm clothes for the winter? It comes quick."

"Yes, Mum."

"What about your—" She began, but he pulled her into a hug to shut her up. She just smiled and held him in her arms tightly. This would be the last time she'd see him until Christmas, after all. "I am so very proud of you, Frederick Severus Malfoy."

"Would you quit with the girly stuff, Mum? Go talk to Elizabeth for that." He laughed, pushing her off of him. She just smiled down at him.

"You can use your brother's owl to write to your father and I. Or, Al's." She told him, and he nodded.

"I know, I will." He paused. "I'll miss you and Dad a lot."

"Oh, we'll miss you so much more. Come on, Dad's made a quick lunch." She waved him down. He followed her down the stairs and into the wide kitchen which opened up into the living room. The tall ceilings allowed for tall windows which let in a lot of light.

"There you are, darling." Draco greeted her, pulling her into his arms and giving her a passionate kiss. They were beyond excited to see their son off to Hogwarts for the first time today.

"Dad, Mum's getting all sappy on me." Fred complained.

"She did that my first year, too." Sirius shrugged, then shoveled some food into his mouth.

"She just loves you both." He replied. "Here, eat up. I made your favorite."

"Why does he get his favorite meal? I'm leaving for a year, too!" The blonde-haired boy exclaimed.

"Because it's your brother's first year. This is your third year. You got your favorite meal your first year, too, and Elizabeth will get hers." Aurora explained.

"Mum makes it better." Fred grinned, because he knew it would annoy Draco.

"Mum makes it better." He mocked him, making Sirius and Fred laugh and Draco smile. "We all know your Mum's an amazing cook. Just hush and eat it."

"It's good, Dad." He nodded after taking a bite of it.

"Good." He said, and Aurora stood next to him at the island. He wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled at her.

"I'm excited, but I'm also scared. I'm going to miss him. I'll worry." She admitted.

"I know, me too." He assured her. "I can't wait to see him off for the first time, though."

"I bet he'll get in so much trouble..."

"Knowing your bloodline." Draco nodded, and she gave him a look as he laughed. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "He'll be alright. This isn't our first go round. He's going to have the time of his life. And in the meantime, we can send Elizabeth over to Harry's, and have some us time..."

"I like the sound of that." She smirked.

"I love you." He told her.

"I love you." She leaned in to kiss him.

"What are they doing?" Elizabeth asked as she joined Fred and Sirius to finally eat.

"Being gross." Sirius replied, causing Draco and Aurora to chuckle.

They arrived at King's Cross Station. "Run into the wall?"

"Yes, darling, trust me." Aurora ushered him. He just squeezed his eyes shut as he ran through. She and Draco looked at each other, smiling. They walked through, then. The two of them were each holding one of Elizabeth's hands as Sirius had already gone ahead. She was about nine years old, so she'd be starting in a couple of years, too.

"Was that so bad?" Draco asked.

"It was awesome!" Fred exclaimed, and they laughed. They stood on the platform after handing his items off. They were saying their goodbyes. "Oh, look, here comes Al!"

They looked over to see Harry, Ginny, Al, James, and Lily. Al and Fred did their secret handshake they'd made up. Sirius greeted James. The two sets of boys were the best of friends. For the latter, it was like the old friends again, only Sirius Lucius had white-blonde hair like Draco's, looking almost exactly like him when he was younger. Fred had dark hair and had Draco's facial features with some hints of Aurora. He and Albus looked a bit alike, all considering. Elizabeth Lily had dark hair, just like Aurora's, and had facial features similar to Lily and Aurora. Lucius was hesitant about Draco being in love with Aurora and wanting to marry a half-blood, but he got over it. They were both quick to welcome her into their family. A lot about them changed over the years. They stopped caring about blood purity as much and were living much better lives, without evil. They were happy for Draco and Aurora, and they showed their son infinite amounts of love like never before. And they absolutely adored their grandchildren.

Harry smiled fondly as he made his way over to them, embracing Aurora in a tight hug. Draco did the same after her. She then hugged Ginny. "Auntie 'Rora!"

"Hello, my Lily!" Aurora smiled, picking the little girl up from the front of Al's carriage. "Elizabeth has missed your playdates."

"Me too!" Lily rushed over to her, and they began talking about whatever. Hermione, Ron, Rose, and Hugo approached them, then. Rosie, Fred, and Albus were all in the same year. James and Sirius were two years ahead, and Elizabeth, Lily, and Hugo would be in the same year.

They all embraced each other in hugs. They then saw their children off as they stood there in a line, waving at them from the platform as the train took off. It made them think fondly about their memories of the old days.

"What house do you think they'll be sorted into?" Ron asked them all.

"Rosie will most definitely be in Gryffindor." Hermione said proudly.

"I honestly think Al will be in Slytherin." Harry admitted.

"Wow." They commented.

"I don't know with Fred." Draco shook his head.

"Yeah, he's got Draco's face and my hair. He says and does a lot of things that remind me of Harry, and a lot of things that remind me of Draco. I can't be sure." Aurora nodded.

"We've already got one in Slytherin. Nonetheless, I'll be proud of him either way." Draco said, wrapping his arm around Aurora as he kissed her cheek. They smiled at each other. Everyone nodded in agreement at that statement.

"So, dinner at ours tonight?" Hermione asked. "Lily, Elizabeth, and Hugo have been wanting to play."

"Sure." They all nodded.

"See you then!"

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