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"In order to produce your Patronus Charm, you need to think of a memory. Let it consume you. Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up." Harry explained to them as they stood around the room, trying to form their Spirit Guardians.

"Keep trying, Seamus." Aurora said quietly to him. They were glad more people had joined the class. "For me, I think about the nicest times I've spent with my father. I think about sitting next to the fire drinking hot cocoa with him, playing cards. Or my first times I'd attempt spells and we'd laugh at my failure. It can be anything, but just a memory that fills your entire body up with goodness and joy."

"Your turn, George." Harry went up to him.

"Expecto Patronum!" He casted.

"Well done." Aurora complimented.

"A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents..." He watched Ginny try. She was successful, her Patronus being a horse. "Fantastic, Ginny!"

"Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused. So, focus. Luna!" Aurora stepped over to her. Hermione casted hers, it was a bunny.

"Expecto Patronum." Nerville spoke, but nothing happened. "I-I'm trying."

"I know, it's good." Harry assured him. Aurora squeezed his shoulder.

"Watch," She said, and he did. She closed her eyes for a moment, replaying the memories in her head. She raised her wand and waved it slightly. As she went to cast her spell, her mind drifted to Draco. "Expecto Patronum!"

A doe danced around the room. She had the same Patronus as her real mother, Lily. Neville smiled. "Amazing, Aurora."

"Thank you. Just keep trying." She told him. As she stepped away, her smile faded. She thought of Draco, and casted her Patronus... What did that mean?

"This is really advanced stuff, guys! You're doing so well!" Harry told them. Ron finally casted his, and it was a dog. It ran around the room barking, knocking Neville over. Luna's was a bunny, also, and it danced around them all. But, suddenly the ground began to shake slightly beneath them. The chandeliers and light fixtures shook ever so slightly, making the lights flicker. Everyone stopped, their Patronus' fading as they lost focus. They all gather in the middle of the room, looking where the door should be. Something kept crashing into it. Harry and Aurora stood in the front, along with Nigel. He looked between the two of them, admiring them. He wanted to be like them, so he stood there. Suddenly, the glass on the wall shattered. Everyone held their wands out, preparing for whatever. A small hole had been created in the wall, and Nigel looked through it as it was eye-level with him. They saw Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad standing there.

"I'll make short work of this." She said, raising her wand. Harry grabbed Nigel and Aurora and pulled them back quickly when he realized what she was doing. "Bombarda Maxima." The wall exploded, sending them flying back. Everyone shielded themselves from the debris that flew at them. Harry rushed to help Aurora up, then Nigel. Suddenly, Draco came into view with Cho in hand. She had ratted them out. As soon as his eyes met Aurora's, his face fell. He didn't know she was a part of their organization. In fact, he didn't know so many of his classmates were. As they stared back and forth at each other, Umbridge ordered; "Get them!"

They led Harry and Cho up to Dumbledore's office. The rest of them were sent to detention with a blood quill, writing: I will not participate in illicit student activities.

"I've been watching them for weeks. And see, Dumbledore's Army. Proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius! All your fear mongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us for a minute! We saw your lies for what they were, a smoke screen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry." Umbridge presented to him.

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