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"Thanks for asking me to Slughorn's Christmas party, Aurora. If not, I was going to have to serve." He groaned, just thinking about it.

"Sure thing, Neville. That's what friends are for." She smiled at him.

"Oh, uh, you look lovely, by the way." He complimented. She chuckled at him.

"Did you say that because you felt required to, or because you truly mean it?" She joked.

"Both," He stuttered as she gave him a look. "Well, I mean, I should say that, yes, but I was thinking about it. You're beautiful all the time, Aurora."

She chuckled lightly. "Thank you, Neville. You look pretty nice yourself."

No one had said that to him before, so he couldn't help but be shocked. Aurora was such a kind person. He often wondered if they even deserved her. He hurried after her as they met up with Harry, who had brought Luna. "Aurora, you look stunning!"

"And you," She gestured to Harry. He pulled her into a tight hug.

"I must agree with Harry. You've outdone yourself, 'Rora." Luna agreed. Aurora was wearing a long, spaghetti-strap, backless red dress that showed off her chest and was fitted to her body perfectly to show off all her curves. Her hair was in big, luscious curls and she wore a little bit more makeup than usual, with some light eyeshadow and red lipstick to match her dress. She also wore a pair of open-toed black heels.

"You look great yourself, Luna." Aurora complimented her, and she nodded in reply with a smile.

"I've never been to this part of the castle." Luna commented as she looked around. "At least not while awake. I sleepwalk, you see. That's why I wear shoes to bed."

"That's rather smart." Aurora replied. Draco had waited in the halls, watching for her to come through. He was absolutely blown away upon seeing her, she looked unbelievable. He hoped that he'd get to see her after the party. He really couldn't resist himself anymore. He knew it meant nothing, but he couldn't help but be jealous of Neville being her date. He just really wished it was him, with her arm wrapped around his as they walked in and had everyone's eyes on him. He'd get to brag about having the most amazing and hottest girl around. But, while she was at the party, he had some important things to tend to— getting this cabinet to work. He placed a green apple inside it and whispered a spell. He opened it back up and it was gone. Had it finally worked? He shut the door again and said the spell once more. The apple was back, and it had a bite taken out of it. He smiled to himself. Maybe he didn't have to be so stressed anymore. The next thing on the list was actually killing Dumbledore. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to do it, but he pushed that thought to the back of his head right now.

At the party, Harry and Aurora took a picture with Slughorn. They wondered if it would go on his shelf. After, they noticed Hermione hiding behind one of the curtains that decorated the room. They walked over to her to see what she was up to. "Hermione, what are you doing? And what happened to you?"

"No, I've just escaped..." She paused. "Wow, Aurora, you look incredible."

"Thank you, so do you." She returned with a slight chuckle.

"I mean, I left Cormac under the mistletoe." She sighed

"Cormac?" Harry laughed. "That's who you invited?"

"Hey, he's not that bad looking and he likes her. I get it, you were trying to make Ron jealous." Aurora grinned mischievously at her.

"Exactly." She pointed her finger at her. "But, he's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant."

"Oh, if you're comparing him to one of those then it must not be good." Aurora scrunched her nose up.

"Tartare?" A server offered.

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