twenty five

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"How is it they knew we were there?" Harry asked as they rushed through the sidewalks of London.

"Maybe you still have the Trace on you?" Hermione suggested.

"Can't be. Trace breaks at seventeen. It's wizarding law." Ron shook his head.

"Well, I'd say wizarding law isn't exactly wizarding law right now." Aurora remarked. Hermione gasped.


"We didn't celebrate your birthdays." Ginny, Fred, and I, we prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding."

"Hermione, honestly, I appreciate the thought, but given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago..." He sighed.

"Right." She nodded. "Perspective."

"Did you all know Fred liked me?" Aurora blurted out, and they all looked over at her. "I mean, like..."

"Bloody hell! No! He's my own brother and he didn't tell me." Ron scoffed.

"Well, Ginny and I knew." Hermione shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Aurora looked over at her.

"He asked us not to. He's our friend, too." She pursed her lips.

"Surprised you could keep your mouth shut." Aurora teased, and Hermione gave her a look. "I love you, 'Mione."

"Right." She shook her head at her with a playful smile. "We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe."

"I know just the place." Aurora led the way. She spoke the spell to allow them entrance into 12 Grimmauld Place. She was now the Secret-Keeper. They entered, and Aurora turned the lights on. All the sudden, a bunch of dust formed Dumbledore, and he came flying at them. Hermione screamed as they all jolted back. Just before it reached them, the dust fell to the floor. "Well, it didn't do that before..."

"'Rora, do you ever clean this place?" Ron whispered.

"Well, that's Kreacher's job." She muttered. "I've been a bit busy..."

"What was that all about?" Harry asked.

"Probably Mad-Eye's idea. In case Snape decided to come snooping." Hermione answered. Aurora nodded. "Homenum Revelio... We're alone."

"We should be." Aurora nodded. "Come, let's get some rest. We need to regroup."

They all set up pallets in the living room, not wanting to sleep alone. Harry and Ron slept on the floor between the two sofas as Hermione and Aurora slept on them. Harry awoke from a bad dream that he was thinking was more like a vision to see Aurora laying there, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. Hermione and Ron's hands were barely touching as they slept. It was sweet, in a way. "You're up early."

"Bold of you to assume I've slept." She replied, careful not to wake them. They ventured upstairs, taking a look around. "This is my father's room. I haven't gone in since he died. I asked Kreacher to keep it clean."

As they looked around, they heard Ron yelling from down the hall. "Hermione? Harry, Aurora? Where are you?! I think I've found something."

They stepped into another room, once labeled Regulus Arcturus Black. "This is my Uncle Regulus' old room. He died long before I met him."

"R.A.B." Ron looked at them all.

"Why didn't you say something?" Harry asked Aurora.

"I didn't know that it was him." She put her hands up in defense. They reread the note over the fake locket. There were no clues as to where the real Horcrux was, or if it was actually destroyed. As they sat there, they heard clattering. Aurora opened the door to reveal Kreacher. Harry pulled him out by his ear.

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