twenty four

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"Aurora, wake up." Harry whispered to her ever so slightly, shaking her. She sat up, waking up from a dream about Voldemort killing them all. She was glad to be woken up in that case. He nodded towards the door, and she got up quickly. She grabbed her stuff and threw on her jacket before they snuck out the door to the Burrow. Ron had noticed Harry leave, so he followed after them quickly as they began walking through the reeds.

"Going somewhere?" He asked, making them turn around.

"Nobody else is going to die. Not for me." Harry shook his head.

"For you?" Ron asked as Harry continued to walk away. Aurora just walked after him, trying to ignore the hurt in his voice. This was for their own good. She wondered if this was how Draco felt before. She understood all-too-well, now. "You think Mad-Eye died for you. For either of you? You think George took that curse for you?" Harry let out a huff as he stopped again to look at him. "You may be the Chosen One, mate, but this is a whole lot bigger than that. It's always been bigger than that."

"Come with us." Harry offered.

"What, and leave Hermione? Are you mad? We wouldn't last two days without her. Don't... tell her I said that. It's supposed to be the four of us. We make a team. Besides, you've still got the Trace on you. We've still got the wedding..."

"I don't care about a wedding." Harry shook his head. Aurora gave him a look. That was a little insensitive, but she understood how he was feeling right now. She felt the same. "I'm sorry. No matter whose it is. I have to start finding these Horcruxes. They're our only chance to beat him. And the longer we stay here, the stronger he gets."

"Tonight's not the night, mate." Ron said, stepping up to them. "We'd only be doing him a favor."

Harry looked to Aurora, and she nodded slightly. "He might be right." Harry dropped his bag out of frustration, and Ron grabbed it. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, 'Rora." Ron sighed out. "I know this is tough. It's tough for all of us. But, abandoning each other isn't the answer. Like I said, it's bigger than the two of you. We aren't dying for just you. I know it may seem like that, I do, but... We're doing this for a whole. For the greater good. For a future for everyone. We know the only way we have a shot at that is by you two."

"I know..." Aurora mumbled.

"Come on, let's head back inside." He grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Harry followed, because he had his bag. "Do you think he knows? I mean, they're bits of his soul, these Horcruxes. Bits of him. When Dumbledore destroyed the ring, you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary... He must've felt something. To kill the other Horcruxes, we have to find them. Where are they? Where do we start?"

A few days later, after Harry and Aurora's birthday, it was time for Bill and Fleur's wedding. She thought it was a terrible time to get married, but she understood the sentiment. People needed joy right now in these trying times. Besides, the Burrow was supposed to be safe. It was protecting the two of them, and they hadn't had any issues yet. Aurora curled her hair and put on a little bit of makeup. She hardly felt the need to put in too much effort. It's a good thing she didn't really have to. She wore a long, silky black dress that was spaghetti-strap and backless. She wore a pair of black, open-toed stilettos to go with. Her jewelry consisted of her usual locket, her ring, and her bracelet. Plus, an assortment of silver earrings. "Aurora, come down here!"

"What is it?" She asked.

"Just come!" Hermione yelled back. She walked down the stairs, feeling ridiculous because Hermione wasn't dressed yet.

"You look stunning." Harry complimented.

"Thanks." She nodded, but she didn't feel like she did. "What's going on?"

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