Chapter 1, Year 1

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August 23rd, 1991

Dear Future Me,

It was a warm August afternoon, a week after my birthday had passed. I sat on my bed reading

a new book mother had gotten for me. The title read, "Quidditch For Newbies". What a rather funny name that is. I traced my finger along the spine tracing the silver letters as they danced, forming an arrow to open the book. I let out a yawn, setting the book down and began twirling with my bed canopy. The silk fabric soft at touch. Before I could reset my focus back to the book, Simon my house elf came in. "Uhh...Master Amoor needs you Lilith." he looked at me all shaken up. "Has mother scolded you again?" I asked. "Simon meant no harm, Simon didn't mean to intrude on Master getting changed.". I let out a small giggle then a sigh. "Thanks Simon!". I looked in the mirror before I went downstairs. Mother and Father were well respected Purebloods. We had close ties with the Malfoy's, Black's, Greengrass's and because of this, my family expected the best of me.

So, I glanced at myself, staring at my soft brown hair and crisp fair skin, making sure I looked proper and creaked open my bedroom door, gracing down our marble stairs.

"Finally Lilith, you took so long!" Said my mother. I saw Fathers arm was pushing what appeared to be two dark silhouettes behind the wall. "Father who is behind yo-" and suddenly, out of nowhere, popped out Draco and Daphne! "Surprise!" They shouted, their voices booming in the large foyer.

I was so happy to finally see my friends. I was away in Paris and had just arrived home, so we had only been able to infrequently owl each other.

I released my arms from the hug and all was silent for a moment. It's weird not seeing someone for a while, even if you were close before. I finally cleared my throat and said "So uhh, did you get your letters?" Before Draco could answer, Daphne semi-shouted "I was accepted into Hogwarts! I'm so excited we'll be able to go to balls and dinners and play quidditch it'll be deligh-" Draco cut her off tired of her rambling, "Well clearly Daphne got hers, I got mine too! Father was pleased that I have been accepted."

We decided it'd be best we went up to my room and continue to chat there. I opened my door and Daphne flopped onto my bed, followed by Draco who loudly chewed on strongly scented apple-spearmint gum. I called out to Simon and he quickly arrived in the doorway "Hello Miss Lilith, how will Simon be able to assist you today?" he spoke with a tiny voice. "Please grab Daphne and Draco's trunks as they will be staying the night."

Draco waited until Simon left the room and then blew a big bubble with his gum. It popped on his nose and Daphne and I burst out laughing. "Not funny!" he sneered. "Anyways, Lil did you make it into Hogwarts?".

I began to fake a small sad face "No... I guess I'm a squib I never got my letter". Before they could respond a smirk crept up onto my face taking over my saddened looks. "Quit playing with us Lilith, we know you made it." I caused a laughing fit between all of us, but finally got myself together and said. "Well of course I made it why else would you be here? You gonna walk to the platform all alone tomorrow?" I remarked.

We all laughed and took turns in my bathroom getting changed into our Pajamas. We layed out our sleeping bags onto the floor. We chatted until midnight, that's when my mother, Octavia, came in. "Come on, it's time for you all to go to bed, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." "Night mother!" I responded to her, followed by Daphne and Draco saying "Goodnight Mrs. Amoor".

My friends and I wished each other goodnight and I blew out the candle on my bedside table. Mother was right. We have a great big day ahead of tomorrow.

Lilith S. Amoor

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