Part 39- Adventures.

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Alfie’s POV

“So.. What’s next on the agenda?” Zoe asked me. I hesitated and thought about it, then glanced at my watch. It was almost 2 am. 

Glancing around again, I looked towards the pier. All the lights were off and it was dark and silent. Looking the other way I saw the headland. We had never really explored there, but I remember going there as a kid every so often. The view was actually breath taking. I let my face release a wide grin. Zoe was look at me with a large confused face.

“How about up there.” I said pointing at the cliff. Zoe glanced up nodded, then smiled. 

“Well then, let’s get going!” She said excitedly. Laugh I held out my hand, and she slowly let her fingers intertwine with mine. Then she took off in a fast walk; not quite walking, not quite running. I was jolted forward, almost falling over as my hand was yanked. Laughing I regained my balance and ran with her. Soon we were at the base of the cliff. We started to climb, both of our shoes hitting the wood loudly. I remembered Zoe had heels on, and then felt bad for her. But when then, when she see’s her surprise, she wont care. Zoe’s face was lit up with excitement, as I twisted my neck round to face her. 

“I’ve never really been up here. Well let’s face it… I haven’t” She smiled. I laughed at her curiosity and continued to push myself up the stairs, legs starting to burn.

“I… Came up here.. As a… Kid…. A few times.” I said in-between breaths. Zoe looked at me and chuckled. 

“Your so unfit.” She teased. I glared at her, moth perking up at the corners, softening the gaze.

“You can’t talk! Plus, Marcus is trying to get me to be healthy and fit and what not. (anyone relating to Alfie’s vlogs?)” I told her. “I’m gonna exercise, and eat healthy from now on. Promise.” I continued, pulling a face. 

“Well I know a way you can get fit.” She said sneakily. I rated one eyebrow and braced myself. I had a feeling she was going to do something I didn’t want..

Suddenly without a warming, she jumped onto my back, almost making me fall backwards, down the stairs. I quickly balanced my self, my breathing more laboured than before. 

“Jesus. You’re gonna kill us both, gorgeous.” I panted. Her beautiful laugh rang through my ears. She can still do that to me. “Alright. Let’s do this.” I put my shoulders back in determination and started climbing up the remainder of the stirs. Thankfully there weren't that many and I could just see the end of them. Zoe was so heavy now, as she was carrying a 6 almost 7 month old baby. (inside her)

We made it to the top of the stairs, and I finally put her down. Wow I really was unfit. I pushed my hair back on my forehead as it had flopped down because I was sweating. 

“Man Zoe. I didn't think it would be that hard.” I said putting my hands on my knees and hanging my head down. There was no reply. “Zo?” I straightened up. In the dark I could see her beautiful short dress as head of my walking towards the edge of the cliff. Confused, I quickly ran up to he. She had her mouth open and her eyes wide. 

“It’s gorgeous… Just like you.” Her voice whispered softly. My heart swelled at how cute what she just said was. I looked out at the view. The water was shining with light from the moon and for once you could actually see the stars without clouds covering them. The gentle sounds of the of the waves crashing against the headland and the beach filled with air. She was right. Smiling, I leant down and pressed my lips to her forehead. Almost immediately, she lived her face up and her lips brushed softly against mine. My hands came up and gently cupped her face, pressing my lips harder into hers. It was one of the comments where I could, feel her. I could feel where she was, where she was touching me. Her hands resting lightly on my hipbones, her chest pressed against mine, her hair brushing against my neck. It was as if all my nerves were on fire. The thing was, I never wanted them to be put out. 

We slowly pulled away looking at each other. 

“I love you so much Alfie.” She said, never breaking her gaze.

“I love YOU, little one.” I replied, pulling her into my chest, head fitting perfectly under my chin. She was my missing puzzle piece, as cliche as that sounds. 

After a while I let her go and she smiled up at me. She suddenly sat down and patted the ground next to her. I chuckled, and walked over sitting next to her. She lightly touched my hand and we intertwined our finger. She suddenly lay down on her back, pulling me down with her. We looked up into the sky and she whispered next to me. “I didn't know there were so many stars.” I laughed and spoke. “There’s not really an opportunity to se them in Brighton. It’s either raining, or daytime.” She laughed and nodded. 

We sat and talked for hours Talking about everything and anything like we always had. And through it, I couldn't help notice how perfect she looked. Her had had come loose from her hairdo, and it was curled in soft beach waves. Her eyes sparkled like they always had and they shut when she laughed.. which was often. We almost didn't notice as it started to get light. I checked my watch and it said quarter past six. We had been her for about 4-5 hours. Suddenly Zoe got up and walked towards the railing at the edge of the cliff and began to take pictures. 

“Alf, come here! Look at the sunrise!” She exclaimed. I got up and mad my way over to her. A thin silver of sun was peeking above the ocean line, setting everything alright in a soft orange glow. We stood and watched as it slowly rose higher. Soon the sky was streaked with soft yellows, oranges, and pinks. It was amazing. 

Somehow we ended up chest to chest, arms around my neck, mine around her waist. Suddenly Zoe reached up onto her tiptoes and I could feel her breath in my ear. 

“This is gonna sound really stupid.. But Alfie. Your my sun.” She whispered. I urned my head and looked at her, our eyes meeting. And in that moment I knew I had to do it. That little box that I had thankfully slipped into my pocket suddenly weighed a thousand tonnes. Carefully I stepped away from her, taking my hands away from her waist. Zoe looked at me confused.

“Alfie? Are you okay?” She questioned. I nodded. I was more than okay. I took a deep breath and began.


AGHH!! CLIFF HANGER! I want to leave you hanging but I'm desperate to continue. I feel like this chapter was so powerful. But i do have to admit it wasn't all my own words. A lot of it was someone else, and a lot of it was mine. So don't blame me for copyright as I got permission. xx

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