Chapter 1

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                                |Davina's POV|

I'm standing in the mirror one last time before I have to departure to go to the harvest ritual. I am really nervous and excited. All the witches will combine their power and we will become strong. I worked so a hard for this day.

"Are you excited?" Marcel says and I jump at the sound of his voice but I quickly regain myself.

"Just a bit nervous." I admit to him.

"You will be fine. Trust me. If any goes wrong, I'll be there to protect you." Marcel says to me and I shake my head at him.

"How? You're not a witch." I laugh.

"No but I can still kick their ass." Marcel says and I shake my head again as he lets out a small chuckle. "You'll do fine D. I know you will." He says as he walks over giving me a hug. I embrace his hug because I know that this will be my last day seeing him.

As a Harvest girl I have a duty to protect the witches and that means I won't be living with Marcel anyone. Marcel and I have gone a long way. When my parents died, I became an orphan and Marcel picked me up and let me stay at his apartment.

It's been my home for 3 years. Marcel made sure I was protected and I went to school. I had some freedom but most nights I had to stay home because of the killing around mystic falls but now I will be leaving to New Orleans and I won't be coming back.

"Alright let's get you to that Harvest ritual. Okay." Marcel says suddenly letting go of our hug.

"Okay." I say as I wipe a small tear from my eyes.

I walk upon the field where the Harvest ritual will happen. I see many old witches until I found the other three harvest girls. Abigail, Cassie, and Monique. I grew to know them and like them except for Monique.

She's been giving me a hard time because I spend too much time with my other friends outside the supernatural world. As much as being a witch is important but I kinda want to just be a regular kid and be normal for once.

"Today ladies we will begin to harvest. Please use this knife to combine you blood into this Secret pot." The regent of the harvest says.

The older witches gives us each the knife as we cut the palm of our hand until we see blood reach from the surface. All four of us place our hands into the pot as it all combines our blood.

"Now say our chants as we being." The regent says and the other three girls place our hands together and close our eyes and say our chants.

As we chant I can feel us slowly combining our powers. It's making us stronger by the minute.

"Now we will start the sacrifice." The regent says and I start to tense up. What dose she mean sacrifice?
I peek over at the girls to find them still chanting.

"Davina concentrate!" The regent says to me but I can't. I'm too scared. One the older witches takes the knife and slices off Abigails neck. I scream in terror of the action before me. And them Cassie was dead.

"Please Stop! Why are you doing this?" I scream to them.

"Davina Close your eyes!" The regent screams at me as Monique neck is sliced and all three witches were dead and in that moment everyone turned there attention to me and that was when I realized that I am next.

"Please no! Somebody help!" I cried out and I couldn't help the tears as it runs down my face. I try to run but I couldn't move any further and all them are crowding against me.

This is it. I am really going to die.

Moments later I open my eyes to see everyone even the regent dead right in front of my feet. it's dark and all bodies were layed out in a pool of dead bodies.

I can feel the shining moon on my face and I look up to see a dark figure in front of me. The one name that comes through my mouth.


I started to feel very heavy and worn out and as I knew it I was beginning to faint and everything was all black.

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