Chapter 14

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                                    |Kol's POV|
I just finished all my business with Freya and honestly it took a lot longer then we expected. Now me and Freya are on our way back to the Lake house.

"Thank you for coming with me today." I finally thank my sister.

"That's what big sisters for." She says and I smile.

"This is just a lot of work to handle on my own." I admit to her.

"Kol it's okay to ask for help. I mean this is the first time you had ever ask for my help." She says.

"You were the only person who was willing. Everyone else just want to enjoy and focus on their peace all the bloody time." I say in annoyance.

"Kol what you are doing for Davina is really thoughtful. For as long as I known you, I never thought you would do something like this." Freya admitted. I have been doing my best to protect Davina.

I mean I saved her from those witches. It's the least I can do.

"She was helpless and she couldn't defend herself that's all." I say to Freya but she just has a smirk on her face. "What?" I asked her.

"Oh come on Kol. You fancy Davina don't you?" She questions me. I couldn't help but let a small smile plant on my face.

"Okay fine. I'll admit it. I do fancy her a little but it's not what you think. She's special and I can feel it." I tell Freya

"I get it and I completely understand but all I know is that she has a little thing for you to." She winks at me and I just smile even more.

"She's just kind of hard to read and she is not like most girls. I can never get a read on her." I admit to her.

"I guess Davina is immune to that irresistible charm you have." Freya smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah right." I say to her as I make my way pass the Lake and into the drive way at the Lake house.

I take the keys out of the emission and open the door until Freya places a hand on my arm.

"I think you should just be straight forward with her. Tell her how you feel." Freya finally tells me. I give her a small smile and I open the door.

Tell her how I feel. I feel like that's what I am most afraid of.

I walk into the house and I see Miss Lily washing up dishes in the sink.

"Hello dear." Miss Lily says turning her attention to me.

"Hi Miss Lily, thank you for being here and making dinner for Davina for me." I say to her.

"It was my pleasure." She says and I walk upstairs to Davina's room.

I knock on the door but I don't hear an answer so I knock on the door again. I decided to open the door but I opened it slowly and I don't see Davina in here. I start to worry because where could she have gone?What if someone took her?

I rush my way downstairs to the front door and open it. I speed run out onto the docks and I see Davina sitting on one of the wooden chairs. I sigh of relief that she is okay.

"If you came here to lecture me about being out here so late then save it." Davina says as I walk up behind her.

"I didn't come here to lecture you. I just wanted to make sure that you are okay." I admit to her.

"You were gone, why?" She questioned and I sigh.

"I actually went back to New Orleans with Freya to clean up some stuff." I tell her but Davina turns her head to look at me.

"Seriously?" She says.

"Yes I am serious. I'm sorry for leaving you again. I should have told you that I was leaving ." I apologize to her.

"You should be." She says and she turns her head to the other direction. I take a seat next to her.

"I understand if you hate me." I say to her but this time she sighs.

"Kol I don't hate you it's just..... I'm stuck here and I can't go out and see my friends. I can't go to the harvest because they are dead and the worse part is I can't even see Marcel anymore." Davina admits to me.

Her whole life has changed because of me. She doesn't deserve this at all.

"I'm sorry." I say to her sympathetically.

"It's not your fault. You saved me and you are just trying to protect me." She says.

"Maybe we should do something. Just you and me." I suggested and and Davina turns her attention to me now.

"Like a date or something?" She asked me nervously.

"Yea sure. We can have a little date night tomorrow." I say to her and I see a bright smile appear onto her face.

"Yeah I would like that a lot." She says and I can see a hint of blush on her face and it just makes me smile.

"Great then I can't wait." I say to her honestly and we just stare at the stars by the Lake where the moon is full.

Honestly I am really looking forward to our little date tomorrow night.

You have to admit this was the cutest moment ever between them. 🥺 Kolvina is finally going on their first date.

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