Chapter 16

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                               |Davina's POV|
Kol and I are in the car and honestly it feels good to be able to get out. Now that I am protected. I don't have to worry.

"So you said that you are looking for a witch?" I question Kol.

"Yeah but we are almost there." He tells me.

Kol drives around this pretty big house in a private neighborhood. It looks pretty old and ancient. Kol parks at the drive way and we get out of the car.

"Is this where the witch lives?" I asked Kol.

"Something like that." Kol says and we walk up to the front door together. Kol knocks and we wait for an answer. It took a few moments but eventually the door opens.

"Well this is a surprise. Kol Mikaelson."

"Damon." Kol says

"What brings you back to Mystic falls?" Damon asked him.

"I was needing to talk to your girlfriend. Bonnie." Kol admits and Damon gives him a weird look.

"She's in the shower right now." Damon finally admits.

"That's fine. We can wait." Kol says and Damon steps aside and let us pass.

"So who's the kid?" Damon suddenly asked and I'm offended that he called me a kid. I'm literally turning 18 in 3 months.

"This is Davina." Kol says.

"Wait a minute. I know you. You're that girl I see all the time at my grill." Damon says and I thought he never recognize me.

"Oh yeah and you're the guy at the grill." I say sarcastically.

"Damon have you seen my wall.... Oh Kol it's you."

"Good to see you to Stefan." Kol says. I remember Elena and Caroline talking about the Salvatore brothers.

Elena use to date Stefan a while back and Caroline had a thing with Damon as well but it didn't work out.

"Stefan did you need something?" Damon asked him.

"I need my wallet and I can't find it in my room." Stefan says as he walks towards us.

"Yea it's right here." Damon says taking the wallet out of the pocket and handing it to his brother. "I needed to borrow a couple bucks." He admitted.

"Right and future reference, just asked me next time." Stefan says and Damon nods. "I'm off. I'll be back soon and it's nice to see you Kol." Stefan added and he walks out of the door.

"So why do you want Bonnie?" Damon asked.

"I know Bonnie doesn't do magic anymore but I'm hoping she can lend us her grimoire of spells." Kol says.

"Well if that's what you're looking for." Damon walks to over to the fireplace were there is a bunch of books on the shelf. "I have it right here. Just returned whenever you're done." Damon says passing Kol the grimoire book.

"Thank you." Kol says to him.

"Just a one thing. Does she know that.."

"You're a vampire. Yeah I been knew and you're brother as well." I say finishing off Damon's question.

"Well since you are not obviously scared. I'm guessing you are a witch." Damon says.

"I am." I admit.

"Well you learn something new everyday." Damon says while he goes over and pours a glass of alcohol in his cop. "Want a drink?" Damon asked.

"No thanks. Maybe later but thank you for the book mate." Kol says.

"No problem." Damon says as he takes a sip.

"Oh and tell Bonnie I said hi." Kol added.

"Will do." Damon says and me and Kol walk out of the house with the grimoire in his hand.

"So why exactly do we need this book for?" I asked Kol.

"I'm giving it to Freya. She's been asking for it. She said there is maybe a way to figure how to control your powers. After those harvest girls died. You absorb their power." Kol explains. "So with all that power, you have to control even if it seems impossible." Kol says.

"You really think I can control it?" I asked Kol bluntly.

"I don't think. I know you can." Kol says and I smile at him.

"You've been so helpful. How will I ever repay you?" I questioned him.

"Darling, you already have when you agree to have a date with me." Kol says as he pushes back a piece of hair behind my ear and I blush by his sudden action.

I love Kolvina more and more everytime I write cute and romantic things like this.

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