Chapter 3

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|Davina's POV|
I feel a lot better now that I have food in my system. Kol's family is pretty nice. They told me about the beauty of New Orleans. Kol and his family had admit to me that they are Vampires but Klaus is both Vampire and Werewolf which makes him a hybrid.

They told me that they can't be killed by any stake to the heart. Which makes them impurely immortal. Kol explained that he has more siblings like his sister Rebekah and Freya. Freya is actually a witch and not a vampire but Rebekah is.

They all explained that Rebekah and Freya left to lived there new life somewhere else and Elijah, Klaus, and Kol stay behind in New Orleans.

"Did you have a good breakfast?" A familiar british voice says startling me.

I sigh "You have to stop sneaking up on me like that." I tell him.

"Sorry about that Darling, next time I'll knock." Kol says and the room is filled with silence again.

"When can I leave?" I blurt out as a question.

"Until I know you are safe." Kol admits rather quickly, almost as he already knew my question.

"I don't need protection. I can handle myself." I state to him.

"Davina I know you are a strong witch but let me remind you that you almost died last night by those witches. If I hadn't save you, you would have shared the same fate as those harvest girls." Kol explains and a part of me knows he's right but I can't stay here. I need to go back and find Marcel. He needs to know that I am safe and still alive.

"Well you killed all those witches and they won't be coming back for me anymore thanks to you." I reminded him.

"You haven't heard the news haven't you?" Kol asked almost as I am supposed to know whats going on.

"Know what Kol?" I question him.

"The witches are mad at you because you didn't complete the harvest and they will stop at nothing to stop you." Kol admits but I'm still confused.

"I don't get it. What witches?" I question him.

"All the witches from the New Orleans coven. They are looking for you Davina and they are going to kill you." Kol says and I'm flabbergasted.

"This is insane." I say as I begin to pace around the room.

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true. Davina I wouldn't lie to you." Kol says to me as genuine as possible.

"All the witches in New Orleans wants me dead, I'm stuck here, and I can't go back to Marcel." I exclaim to Kol. I can feel my anxiety kicking in and I fear I won't be able to stop it.

"I'm sorry Davina." Kol says sounding sympathetically.

"I just want my life back!" I yell as I feel my legs getting numb and the tears from my eyes start to fall down to my face.

Moments later I can feel Kol's hand around my waist as he tries to support me from falling on the ground. I begin to cry into his shirt as he wraps his arms around me, consulting me, and comforting me. Kol starts to brush my hair softly with his free hand to help me calm down.

"I don't want to die." I whimper from Kol's chest.

"I won't let them. I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe Davina." Kol says and for a moment I move my head to look deeply into his soft dark brown eyes. " I promise." Kol finally says to me.

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