Chapter 10

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I know this is Kol and Davina's sorry but I decided to give you all a break from that and give you incite of the other characters in the story. Hope you guys enjoy 😉

                             |Elijah's POV|
"Elijah come back to bed." Elena says to me in her sleepy voice. It's pass midnight and I have yet to hear from Kol.

"He's late and he's not here." I say to Elena.

"Kol will be fine. He will be back soon." Elena says to me but I can't be so sure about it.

"I fear that he has gotten himself into trouble as usual." I admit to Elena.

"How so?" Elena questioned me.

"Kol has this tendency to get involve in things that doesn't need to become a problem." I say to her. I can feel Elena's hand on my shoulder.

"I remember Jeremy use to get into so much trouble after our parents died but over the years I learn to understand and trust him." Elena says to me. " I think it's time you start trusting Kol. He's been so different since he saved Davina. He seems happy so I'm not worried." She says and I start to think.

"Maybe you're right." I say and Elena leans in giving me a peck on the lips.

I cup her cheek with my left hand as I kiss her again

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I cup her cheek with my left hand as I kiss her again. She begins to run a hand through my hair and I start place my hand on her waist. I brush the side of her hair with my hand while I begin to kiss her on her neck.

"Elijah." Elena moans out as I continue to kiss her neck. I release me fangs and I pierced them into her neck as I drink from her.

I release my mouth from her and I go back to kissing her passionately on the lip. I start to pick Elena up while she wraps her legs around my waist. I place her on the bed while I'm still on top of her as our lips continue to kiss each other passionately.

"I love you." Elena says as we take a breath from kissing.

"I love you to." I say to her as I lift her shirt over her head. I plant a trail of soft kisses below her chest and to her lower stomach. I look at Elena from down her leg as I pull down her panties and I place my mouth onto her womanhood.

"Yes Elijah." Elena moans out as she grabs my arm tightly. I release my mouth and wipe it with my hand. I plant a kiss again onto Elena's lips. Elena cups my face as she looks deeply into my eyes. "Thank you." She says and she pops out her fangs and begins to bite into neck and I moan.

Me and Elena don't usually blood share but our love for each other is strong and I know that I will love her forever. Elena excepected me and risk everything to be with me. She left her family, her friends, and her hometown just to be with me in New Orleans.

When Elena had the opportunity to go away, she decided to stay and I am forever grateful for that.

I hope you guys love this chapter. It's a bit explicit but I did say there will be mature content but I try not to say too much lol 😂

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