Chapter 6

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|Kol's POV|
I place Davina on her bed after she fainted into my arms. I look around the room to see all the damage that she caused. I had no idea she had this much power! I knew she was a harvest girl but she is truly powerful.

"This girl.....created all of this." Elijah spats out as he tries to regain himself off the floor.

"I knew she was powerful but this.... this was insane." I admit looking surprised about the damage Davina made.

"She clearly doesn't have this power under control. Another reason why we need to give her back to the witches." Elijah says.

"No! I'm not giving her back!" I shout but I take a sigh. "Listen to me Elijah, I thought of all people you would understand. I can't turn my back on her." I say turning to look at the sleeping Davina. "I gave her my word that I would protect her." I admit to Elijah.

I hear Elijah take a huge sigh.

"You care about her don't you?" He asked me and I turn to him.

"Yes I do and she trust me." I tell him 

"Alright fine, I'll help you protect her because this is the first I seen you like this." Elijah says.

"Like what?" I question him confusingly.

"So helpful." He says as he place a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you Elijah." I say to him and he nods.

"I'll discuss with the others." Elijah tells me and he walks out of the room leaving me with Davina.

I look back at her and she looks so peaceful and beautiful. All I want to do is protect her and to keep her safe and I intend to do that. I hear my phone ring and I pick it up quickly because I don't want to wake up Davina.

"Hello." I whisper into the phone.

"I just wanted to let you know that I will be in New Orleans tomorrow morning."

"Perfect, I'll see you then." I say ending the phone call. I walk over to Davina's bed and I give her a gentle soothing touch on her face as I move her hair slowly to her ear.

"Everything will be alright Davina. I promise." I whisper to her.

• • • • • • •
I woke up from the light shining on my face from the window. I quickly remembered that I have big plans today so I get dress and make my way downstairs to get a blood bag.

"Good Morning Kol." A familiar female voice says and I turn around to see Davina with a smile on her face.

"Davina. I didn't know you would be up this early." I say to her.

"I've always been a morning person." She says and she begins to walk closer to me. "So this is a blood bag huh." She says looking at it from my hand.

"Are you hungry? I can get our personal chief to make you something to eat." I asked her.

"I'm a little hungry but I wanted to spend some time talking to you." She admits and I am a bit delighted to hear her say that.

"Of course." I manage to smile but not too big.

"It's about my powers." She says in a more serious tone and my smile changes to a frown almost.

"Don't worry. we will figure it out but today I have someone on there way to protect you." I admit to her.

"Who?" She inquire and the door bell suddenly rings.

"That could be her now." I say and I walk out of the kitchen while Davina follows me to the door.

"Kol? What's going on?" I hear Davina asked me and I open the front door to see my dear old sister Freya with a black suitecase.

"Hello sister." I greet Freya with a small smile.

"Hello Kol." She says back smiling.

Another weird ending but it had to be. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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