Chapter 15

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                                |Davina's POV|
I walk up from the shining light and the birds chirping. All of last night I couldn't stop thinking about Kol and the date night he promise to take me on. I am literally so excited.

I haven't been on a date in such a long time. My last date was on my freshman year of high school. I wonder if Kol has thought about it all night to. I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower to get ready for the day.

While I finished that I pick out some clothes for me to wear. I can small the bacon from up here and I can hear my stomach respond to it. I finish put on my clothes and head downstairs to see if Kol or anyone else is down there to.

I see the the personal chief flip some pancakes while they turn flawlessly at the nice light brown color.

"Good Morning Dear." She finally says to me and I smile happily.

"Good Morning." I say to her and I make my way to the table.

I see Kol and Freya sitting as well. Freya is reading the newspaper and Kol is one his phone.

"Morning guys ." I say to them and they look at me.

"Good Morning Darling." Kol says.

"Good Morning Davina." Freya says and I take a seat across from Freya.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked them and the person Chief places down our breakfast.

"I have a bunch of errands today but I should be back later on tomorrow morning." Freya admits and I nod.

We begin to eat our breakfast and as soon as we finished we gave our personal chief our plates to wash.

"Guys I will be heading out now. I'll see you guys soon." Freya says as she grabs her purse bag and walks out the door.

Now it's just me and Kol together. Alone

"So.....what are we going to do tonight for our date?" I asked Kol.

"That is for a surprise." He says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Can you give me a hint?" I asked him.

"I guess you can say it comes from the heart." Kol says as he smiles.

I honestly can't wait for our date. I'm so excited to be with him tonight.

"But I have a little favor to ask you." Kol says and I look at him with concern.

"What's the favor?" I question him.

"I need to find a witch so I might be leaving for a couple of hours." Kol says and I roll my eyes again in annoyance.

"Again! Seriously Kol." I kind of shout.

"Davina please don't be angry. You didn't let me finish." He says and I turn to him trying to hear what else he has to say. "I want you to come with me. I talk to Freya and she said it was safe. She made a spell to protect you for stuff like this." Kol says and he reaches in his pocket and hands me a small box.

"Kol what is this?" I questioned him surprised at the nice black box.

"Open it." He says and I open the tiny box. It's a beautiful amulet necklace with a baby blue ruby on it.

"Kol this is......"

"Beautiful." He finishes my sentence. "It's very beautiful but it's also made to protect you. Freya put all her power into it. She said it's supposed to protect you so no witch or anyone can locate you." Kol explained. I can't believe he did this for me. This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever given me.

"I don't know what to say." I admit.

"All you have to do is wear it." He says and I smile.

"Can you help me put it on?" I asked him and he smiles.

"Sure." He says and I hand him the necklace. I turn myself around to let Kol put the necklace on me. I lift up my hair out of the way and Kol wraps the necklace around me neck. It fits perfectly around me. I hear a click I let my hair down.

"Thank you." I say to him.

"You're welcome. Now let's go." He says and I nod and follow Kol out of the Lake house.

Another cute chapter for Kolvina. Tell me how you guys like it.

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