Chapter 12

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                                |Davina's POV|
The road trip was long but we made it to this Lake house in the middle of nowhere. At first the passage way was scary but I relax when I saw the Lake.

"Is this the place we are looking for Kol?" Freya asked as she parks in front of the house.

"Yes this is the place."Kol says. "Ready to go?" Kol asked me and I look at him and nod.

As I was about to open the door Kol quickly rushed over to open it for me. This was the first time I witness his super speed and honestly it was kind of cool. He reaches out his hand and I take while he closes the door behind me.

"What is this place?" I asked him.

"This is a Lake house. It's pretty distant from Mystic falls but it close at the same time." He informs me and I nod.

It's really nice and private here. It looks like you can have a family vacation here as well.

Kol and I walk up to the front porch of the house and Kol knocks. Moments later the door swings up and we see a pretty tall guy with short dark brown hair and brown eyes. He has a very muscular feature to him and it looks like he works out for days.

"Kol. You here to try to chop off my arms again?" The dark brown hair guy says.

"Maybe." Kol says and moments later the two of them burst of laughter. "Nice to see you again mate." Kol finally says. I am really confused on what's going on in front of me right now.

"Same here. When you called I thought something happened to my sister." The muscular guy says to Kol. Who is his sister?

"No she is just find but I really do appreciate you making us stay here. You were literally my last hope. Rebekah didn't want to be involved since she wants to start her new life without any drama." Kol admits

"Not at all man. Glad to help." He says.

"Kol! A little help over here!" Freya shouted.

"Who's that?" The dark brown hair guy says.

"That is my dear old sister Freya." Kol admits to him.

"Sister? I thought Rebekah was your only sister." He says.

"Well I have two. It's a long story that I can explain another time. Jeremy can you please take Davina inside for me while I go help my sister?" Kol asked him.

"Sure no problem." He says and now I know his name is Jeremy. "Step right in." He says to me and I walk inside the Lake house. "So Kol tells me that you're a witch." Jeremy asked me and I nod.

"I'm Davina by the way." I tell him.

"Jeremy." He says.

"So how do you know Kol?" I questioned him.

"We go way back. Back when the Mikaelson's were dicks but over the years we moved pass it." Jeremy admits and I nod. "How did you and Kol meet?" He asked me and I try to prepare on how I should say it.

"Kol saved me and basically kidnapped from the witches that were trying to kill me." I admit and Jeremy just laughs.

"Sounds like fun." He says and I laugh as well. I like Jeremy. He seems pretty sweet and kind of cute but he definitely looks a lot older than me.

"Alright I'm back." Kol says as he drops the bags on the floor.

"Great but I have to go. I have a lot of stuff to do but I'll be back really soon." Jeremy says.

"Thanks mate again for your help. You have no idea how much this means to me." Kol says.

"Of course. I'll see you around Kol." Jeremy says and he walks out of the house.

"Kol. Where are the rooms?" Freya suddenly asked.

"Upstairs but there are some down here as well. Just pick one." Kol says to Freya and she takes two of the bags downstairs.

Another weird ending. I am really bad at endings lol sorry. 😅 I still hope you like this chapter.

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