Chapter 4

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                                    |Kol's POV|
I left Davina's room after I got her to calm down more. She didn't really handle to news well when I told her the witches in New Orleans are coming after her.

"Kol." I Elijah calls out to me as soon as I reach the main hallway. "The family has some matters to discuss." He says.

"For what?" I questioned.

"It's about the girl. Davina." Elijah admits.

"Well I have nothing to say about her. Call off the discussion." I tell him and I begin to walk past him purposely bumping our shoulders together.

"Kol!" Elijah shouts a bit. "This discussion must happened now." Elijah says and this time it's a bit more calm.

I sigh, rolling my eyes."Fine."

I speed walk my way downstairs in the living room where I see Nik, Caroline, and Elena all sitting down.

"I'm here so now what?" I questioned them annoyingly but they all just stare at me.

"Kol we need to discuss about the safety of Davina. You kidnapped her and killed all the witches that were after her." Elijah says stepping into the living room.

"I didn't kidnapped her. I saved her." I corrected him.

"Right.... but we are not sure if we can protect her. Th witches in New Orleans are doing everything in there power to find her and they won't be civil about it." Elijah explains to me.

"What are you trying say?" I questioned him

"He's saying to protect our family, we need to let Davina go." Elena blurts out

"What!" I shout. "You can not be serious. You don't honestly believe that we should just let her go!"

"Kol we have a home here now and we can't keep making more enemies then we already have. We made peace and to maintain our peace we have to let the witch go." Nik says.

"Coming from everyones number one enemy. You are one to talk Nik. All of your life you made enemies across the world and now you want peace." I say feeling indignant.

"Kol we understand that you are upset but we promise to co-exist with the witches. If we keep Davina they will feel like we are plotting against them and then we will go back to where we started." Caroline says but I don't care.

I don't want to give Davina back. I care about her safety and I know she hates those witches for what they did to her. If I give her to them, I break my promise to her.

"Well I'm sorry but I am not giving her back. I promise I would do anything to protect her and I will not go back on my word." I state to them and I storm out of the living room without giving them the chance to react.

I make my way upstairs to my bedroom and I begin to think of a plan to protect Davina. I don't understand why I care about her, I barley know her. Maybe it's because she's beautiful or that she was begging to not die but all I know is that I care about her and she is special, I can feel it.

I realize there is only one person that can help me in this situation. I pick up the phone and I begin to dial the numbers

It rings twice. "Hello."

"I need your help. Can you get to New Orleans?"

It's a pretty short chapter but it has to be. Who do you guys think who Kol called? Let me known in the comments.

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