Chapter 8

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                               |Davina's POV|
"Are you okay?" Kol asked me.

"Kol I'm fine." I say to him.

"I just want to make sure that you're alright." Kol says to me.

"I will be when I get some food in my system." I smile to him while he smiles back.

"Sure, let's go downstairs." He suggested and I follow. I really am feeling hungry. With all this magic, I'm dying to eat some breakfast and the Mikaelson's happen to have the best personal chief ever. Eating breakfast with the Mikaelson's was the best I ever had.

Me and Kol made it downstairs into the dining room where breakfast was well prepared. I don't know how much times has past but it seemed like breakfast was prepared pretty quickly when me, Kol and Freya was in the library.

"Good Morning Kol." The personal Chief says to him.

"Morning Mary. Breakfast looks splendid." Kol compliments. "But sadly I will have to take a blood bag to go. I have many things to do today." Kol says and I'm a little bewildered that he said that. I didn't know Kol was planning on leaving today.

"Oh are you sure dear? " Mary the personal chief asked.

"I'm sure. Thank you." Kol said with a small smile as he walks into the kitchen. I follow him because I need to know when was he planning on leaving.

"You never said you were leaving today." I blurt out to him.

"I'm sorry about that darling. I didn't know that would bother you that much." Kol says to me but I roll my eyes.

"It doesn't. I was just surprised that's all." I say to him

"Well don't worry darling. I'll be back very soon." Kol says taking a blood bag from the refrigerator.

"Where are you even going anyways" I questioned him.

"To run some errands." Kol says as he walks pass me. I see him sink his sharp fangs into his blood bag as he storms out of the kitchen. Suddenly the front door slams pretty hard leaving an echo.

I sigh and started to walk back into the dining area. I see Elijah, Klaus, Caroline, and Elena all gather around the table getting ready for breakfast.

"Good Morning Davina." Caroline said breaking the silence in the room.

"Good Morning Caroline." I say to her. She gives me a small smile and I take a seat at the table.

"So Davina." The dirty blonde hybrid Klaus suddenly says. "I heard from Elijah that Kol will be protecting from the witches." Klaus says.

"Yes thanks to your sister Freya. Their is a barrier to protect me from any witch trying to locate me here." I admit to him.

"Well we don't know much about you Davina so how about we start where you came from." The brunette haired girl Elena says and I nod.

"I was born in Mystic Falls. I was also raised there to. My parents died in a fire that was caught up in town 3 years ago and I became an orphan. I had a friend that took me in and take care of me through out that incident. He was a vampire just like you guys and he always kept me protected. Even when there was no danger." I explain to them and I feel a tear come out of my eye.

I always felt so emotional every time just thinking about my life. I really miss Marcel. He is really the only family I have.

"You know something Davina." Elena says to me and I look at her. "Me and Caroline use to live in Mystic falls to." Elena admits and I am surprised.

"It's true. We went to high school there." Caroline says as well.

"We actually have friends back there as well. Like Stefan and Damon." Elena says to me.

"Damon Salvatore? He's the owner of the Mystic grill." I say to them and Elena and Caroline laugh.

"Yep that sounds like him." Elena says.

"Are they vampires as well?" I asked them.

"Yes they are." Elena admits.

I didn't know there were so many Vampires under my noses. Vampires look more human by the day. You can never tell the difference. I begin to grab some breakfast in my plate because I can feel my stomach growl and I bet the Vampires in this room can hear it as well because of their super hearing.

I decided to eat some eggs, bacon, and pancakes today and honestly it tastes delicious.

The Mikaelson's are getting closer to Davina and it's honestly very sweet. Let me know what you guys think.

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