Chapter 2

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|Davina's POV|
I wake up with a painful headache and it felt like I been in a horrible nightmare but I know what happened was real. I look around and I notice that I am in a pretty large bed with very soft vintage sheets.

I'm in a room with bright large windows that show a huge view of the city. I honestly don't know where am I or how I got here. All I can remember is that I was next to die by the harvest. I still can't believe they are all dead and I don't even know how they died.

I hear the door knob twisting and I immediately tensed up. "Good you're up." A tall guy with short brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"Stay back!" I instantly say as I hold the pillow against my chest.

"Relax darling, I'm not going to hurt you." He says with his two hands up.

"Who are you and why am I here?" I questioned him.

"You fainted from when those witches who were trying to kill you. So..... I took you here where you can rest and feel better." He explains and he has this thick accent in his voice but I still don't trust him.

"You haven't answered my first question." I reminded him.

"My name is Kol Mikaelson." He admits. "Since I told you mine name what would your name be?" He asked and I slowly pull my pillow down from my chest.

"Davina.... Davina Claire." I says bluntly.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Davina Claire." He says with a small smile. "Are you hungry? Breakfast is almost ready." He tells me and by the mention of it I can smell bacon from all the way up here.

"Sure." I say to him and Kol begins to walk up to the bed I somehow made myself comfortable to. He gestures out his hand but I look at him and he has a soft smile place on his face.

I look at his hand and decided to take it slowly as he helps me off the bed. Kol hands are soft and kind of cold but it's comforting at the same time but it's not like I trust him. I just met him and I have no idea who he is and why he has kidnapped?

Kol takes me downstairs and this whole house is huge. Its definitely something I am not use to. I've never been in a house this big before. As we made it to the kitchen I see people and I start to tensed up again but I feel Kol's grip tightens.

"Just relax." He whispers in my ear.

We're presented by two girls. One blonde and one brunette. They are both next to these middle age men. One of the men is wearing a dark blue suite and he has brown hair with hazel brown eyes. The other one has dirty blonde hair with blue eyes and he company's the blonde hair girl with blues eyes.

"Kol I see your.... guest has finally woken up." The guy in the suite finally says from the awkward silence that was made in the kitchen.

"Well she is hungry so is breakfast ready?" Kol asked him.

"Just about to be."The blonde haired girl says.

"Davina these are my brothers and their lovely girlfriends." Kol tells me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Elijah." The guy in the suite introduces as he walks over and takes my free hand while placing a soft kiss on it. I kind of smile at the gesture.

"And I'm Elena." The brunette haired girl says to me and she gives me small greeting smile.

"I'm Caroline and this is Klaus." The blonde girl says. She seems nice but I have this bad vibe from the dirty blonde hair guy Klaus. He seems like the guy that gets into trouble.

I've started to notice the accent Kol and his brothers have. It makes them sound more charming and respectful.

"Breakfast is ready!" A lady calls out as she rolls in a chart with trays filled with food.

There's pancakes, sausages, Bacon, biscuits, and Eggs. The food looks good and it smells so good. I can kind of hear my stomach growl from the sudden hunger I have.

"Well... breakfast is ready now we shall eat." The blued eyed British guy says.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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