Chapter 20

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                               |Davina's POV|
Kol and I talked at the docks for a while and we decided that it was time for us to go back inside. After our date I feel more closer to Kol and it made me realize my true feelings for him. Freya was right. I do have feelings for Kol. I like him a lot.

"Hey where have you two been?" Freya asked us as we walk into the house.

"We were just by the docks." Kol says.

"Oh I see." Freya says with a pretty big grin on her face.

"I actually have something for you." Kol says to his sister. He goes over to the living room and picks up my bag off the couch. "Sorry about this darling." Kol says to me. He reaches in there and takes out the grimoire book. "Picked it up at the Salvatore house." Kol says as he passes the book to Freya.

"Wow you actually found the it." Freya says while she examines the book.

"It wasn't hard to find when you have the resource." Kol says.

"Now we can finally help Davina. If I can find the spell we might be able to contain some of that power you have Davina." Freya says to me I gulp but nod at the same time.

"Davina are you okay?" Kol asked me while he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I just feel a little light headed." I admit. I really do feel a headache. It's very painful. "Ouch!" I grunt as I try to hold my head.

"Davina! What's going on?" I hear Kol say. I don't know what's going on with me. I feel dizzy.

"Kol catch her......"

Everything goes black.

"Davina!" I hear my name being called. "Davina wake up!" I gasp and my eyes are wide open. I don't see Kol.

"Hello?" I shout. I'm somewhere that I am
not familiar with.

"Davina!" I hear my name called again and I turn to see its Monique

"Monique? How can I see you?" I question her.

"Davina you have disappointed the harvest. You need to die in order to complete the harvest." She says.

"No! I don't want to die." I yell to her.

"Then we are all doom." She says to me.

"Davina if you don't sacrifice yourself. All the witches in the world will loose their power and the whole world will be in danger." Another familiar voice says and I turn around to see Cassie.

"Do it Davina or you will be dead to." Monique buts in.

"But I."

"Think about your coven. Don't let our sacrifice go to waste. You must die to complete the harvest."Monique says and she and Cassie slowly dissolve and disappear.

I gasp but this time in my room.

"Oh my god. Davina!" Kol shouts as he gives me a tight hug. "I was so worried about you." He says in my ear.

"Davina. Are you okay?" Freya asked me and I nod.

"Kol I need to die to complete the harvest." I blurt out to him. Kol looks at me deeply in the eye like I'm crazy or something.

"No! Are you out of your bloody mine?" He questions me angrily.

"You don't understand! I saw them!" I shout at him.

"Saw who?" Freya asked.

"The harvest girls." I admit. "They said in order to complete the harvest I have to sacrifice myself. In that way we will all be resurrected with our new powers." I explained to them.

"Hell No! You are not dying to complete some bloody harvest. Davina listen to me. They are obviously trying to trick you. They all want you dead remember."Kol reminds me but as much as I want to believe that. Something is seriously wrong here.

"If I don't die. All the witches in the world will loose power and the whole world will be off balance. I can't let that happen." I say to him.

"We have the grimoire. You can learn to control it. So this won't happen." Kol says. "Please Davina. I promise that I will protect you. Don't make me break my promise to you. I can't let you die. What if you die and never come back. Then I will have to live with that burden for the rest of my life. Please, you are the best thats ever happen to me in my thousand years." Kol says and I can feel my tears fall from my face. I can see a tear in Kol's eyes to.

"You are the best thing thats ever happen to me to." I admit. Kol cups my cheek and he cresses it with his thumb to wipe off  some of my tears while our heads are touching each others.

"Just please let me fix this please." He begs and I nod.

"Okay." I say to him.

"Are you hungry for dinner?" Kol suddenly asked.

"What? It's dinner time already? I asked clearly astonished.

"Davina you've been out for 12 hours." Kol says.

"12 hours!" I shout a little but he just laughs.

"I'll go downstairs to get Miss Lily to prepare dinner." Kol says and he gives me a kiss on the forehead before him and Freya walk out my bedroom.

As much as I trust Kol. I can't keep doing this anymore. I'm risking everything for Kol and Freya. I can't let Kol keep protecting me. I have to do this. Alone.

The Mikaelson's Witch is comming to an end soon. Just a few more chapters. I had so much fun writing this story for you guys. 😊

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