Chapter 11

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|Davina's POV|
It's morning again and the light shines from the window once again. I yawn from exhaustion as I sit up. I rub my eyes to get a clear vision and I see man sitting down in the back of room on the lonely chair.

"Kol?" I suddenly say.

"Good Morning Darling." He says and his accent is thick as he says that.

"How long you've been here?" I asked him.

"Only 3 hours." He admits and I raise one eye brow at him.

"You watched me sleep for 3 hours?" I questioned him.

"I was preparing myself for the questions you might want to ask me." He says and he travels his way to sit on the bed with me.

"Okay first question. Where were you yesterday?" I asked him.

"I went to visit an old friend." He admits.


"To find a place where you can go and hide so the witches can't find you." He admits and I feel a bit tensed. I almost forgot that I won't be staying here much longer. I would eventually have to run and hide.

"Oh so when am I leaving?" I asked him.

"Tonight. I'm going to get Freya to make another spell so the witches won't find you while you are on the road." He explains.

"Well I have to pack clothes and the only clothes I've been wearing is the ones that been here." I admit to him.

"Don't worry Darling. Where you're going, you don't need to pack." Kol says and he gets up from my bed and walks towards the door.

"Wait? where are you going?" I asked him.

"Downstairs. I'll be back alright." Kol says and he walks out of my room. I sigh and I flop on my bed.

• • • • •
I await for Kol to return to my room. After I ate my lunch, The city is getting dark. I've been sitting here on the window seat, taking a huge view of the city. I eventually hear the door knock as it disturbs me from my window watching.

"Are you ready?" Kol says as he walks into my room.

I sigh. "I guess so." I say to him.

"Daring you know you can talk to me right." Kol reassure me and I nod.

"I know it's just crazy. I've never been on the run before and I never had witches trying to kill me." I admitted but Kol has a slight laugh.

"Well you'll get use to it. My family and I have been on the run for a thousand years from our father." Kol says to me.

"Where is he now? How did you escape?" I questioned him.

"My brother Klaus killed him a long time ago." Kol admitted.

"Oh." I said to him.

"Dark isn't it? Well enough about killing. Let's just get you to safety first." Kol says to me and I nod. Kol makes his way to me by the window as he gestures out his hand and I gladly take it.

I feel like I've held Kol's hand all the time. I'm not complaining, it's kind of nice. I love how cold and comforting it is. I also love the way he smell when I'm next to him. I also thought when you're a vampire you would smell rotten and old but Kol smells like really good men cologne.

Kol takes me to downstairs into the living room and I already see all the Mikaelson's here standing as me and Kol enter.

"Is everything ready to go Freya?" Kol asked his sister.

"Everything is well planned and I believe Davina will make it to the house with no harm." Freya says.

"Good." Kol says.

"Oh Davina, I'm going to miss you." Caroline suddenly says as she makes her way to me, giving me a huge hug. "Drive safe alright." Caroline says in my ear.

"Thank you Caroline." I say to her and she smiles and make her way back to Klaus.

"I hope you have a safe trip Davina." Klaus says and I smile.

"I'll see you real soon Davina." Elena says and she also as well gives me a hug.

"Take care Davina." Elijah says and I nod.

"Thank you Elijah." I say to him and he gives me a small smile.

"I'll be in the car waiting Davina." Freya says as she places her hand on my lower arm and I nod.

"I'm really going to miss you all. Thank you for letting me stay here for a few days." I say to them.

"You are always welcome here Davina."Caroline says. I begin to walk towards the door as Kol follows me. I turn around and give them one last wave before heading out the door.

"So I guess this is goodbye." I say to Kol.

"I'm not staying here Davina. I am going with you." Kol suddenly says and my expression changed to a more relief feeling. "I already spoke to my family and they think it's a good idea. With Freya and me protecting you, everything will end up alright." Kol explained.

I give Kol a huge hug as I embrace him. I don't know why I am hugging but I know it just felt right.

 I don't know why I am hugging but I know it just felt right

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"Thank you Kol." I suddenly say while I'm still in his arm.

"No need to thank me Darling." He says as he starts to rub my back a little.

"You risked your peace to save me so thank you." I say and I couldn't help the tears falling from my eyes. I let go of Kol's embrace to now we are face to face.

"Don't cry Davina." Kol says as he brings his thumb to my face as he wipes my tear and I nod. "Let go. We have a long trip to go to." He says and I follow him into the car.

Pretty long chapter but it was worth it. Let me know what you think.

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