Chapter 7

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                                |Davina's POV|
A blonde hair girl with green eyes stands at the door which is also known as Kol's sister, comes in with a black suitcase in her hand.

"Thank you for coming Freya." Kol says moving out of the way to invite her sister in.

"What are families for." She says with a soft smile as she places her suitcase on the ground near the flower pot at the door way.

"You have no idea how much help you will bring." Kol says as he gives his sister a full on hug.

"So what do you need my help with?" She asked him pulling away from the hug.

"This is Davina and I need your help to protect her." Kol introduces and his blonde sister turns her attention to me.

"Hello I'm Freya." She says offering her hand to me and I take it. "Guessing how young you look, I'm thinking you're not a vampire?" Freya asked me and I kind of chuckle.

"No I'm a witch." I say to her.

"Welcome to the club sister." Freya says giving me a small wink.

I kind of like Freya. By the way she is. She is mature, friendly, and I can tell she really cares about her family. I also remember that she is the oldest out of all her siblings.

"Freya." A familiar British voice says from behind me and I turn to see Elijah. He has a smile on his face as he looks at his sister.

"Hello Elijah no time no see." Freya says and Elijah makes his way to hug his oldest sister.

"I didn't expect to see you until Christmas." Elijah says to his sister.

"I'm here to help Kol thats all." She admits.

"Well you've had long trip. You must be tired or hungry." Elijah says suddenly concerned at his sister well being.

"I'll be alright. The sooner I help Kol the sooner I get back to Keelin." Freya says.

"How is she?" Elijah asked.

"Shes alright." Freya shrugs.

"Freya I think we should go in the library so we can talk about the protection of Davina." Kol says interrupting Elijah and Freya's small talk.

"Right that sounds like a good idea." She says and Freya goes and picks up her suitcase off the ground.

"No please Freya. Let me help you." Elijah offers as he takes the bag from his sister.

"Davina." Kol says as he offers me his arm. I take it and begin to walk with him and Freya to their library.

I'm walking into the Mikaelson's family Library and it's huge. It looks like there is a million books here.

"Okay first things first in order to protect Davina we need to relocate but for now I will put a spell barrier strong enough to protect any witch for trying to look for her."Freya says.

Freya begins to close her eyes and starts to chant in latin. The words she use sounds more ancient and old. It's something that I have never heard before and I study witch latin. The candles around the room starts to lit up and down but it suddenly stop and Freya's eyes are wide open in confusion.

"What's the matter?" Kol asked her concern.

"The spell isn't strong enough to block it. I need more power." Freya says and the look on Kol face seems disappointed.

"Maybe I can help." I speak up and Freya and Kol look at me. "I have a lot of power from the harvest." I say to them.

"Are you sure?"Freya asked and I nod. "Well then. Let's get started." Freya says and she has a small smirk on her face.

I walk up to her and she gestures out her hand to me. I smile and put my hand in hers. I close my eyes and Freya begins to chant. I let her start it first so I can get the words right so I can copy.

As we chant I feel my power is emerging and it feels sort of unstable, like I can't control it.

"Concentrate Davina." Freya says and I nod and continue to chant. I have to control it and not let my power overwhelm me or take control.

As we continue to chant I feel a breakthrough in our spell and the candles and the wind slows down.

"Great Job Davina. The barrier is up." Freya says to me and I smile brightly. "I need some rest to recover. I use most of my magic in that spell." Freya admits to Kol.

"Of course sister. Thank you for your help." Kol says to his sister and Freya walks out of the room leaving me and Kol together.

I hope you guys like this chapter and how do you feel about Freya and Davina's bonding. Let me know in the comments.

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