Chapter 19

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                                  |Davina's POV|
It's a brand new day and I wake up happy as ever. All the memories from last night has just flooded back into my mind. I remember everything. Every conversation, Every Laugh, and Every kiss.

My gosh the kiss.

It was the best kiss I ever had. Yesterday was the best day of my life and it was all better because I get to share it with Kol. I hop out of bed, brush my teeth, took a shower, and now I'm heading downstairs.

As I go downstairs, I see Freya in the main entrance with a black bag in her hand.

"Freya." I say to her and she turns her attention to me.

"Hey Davina." She says and I walk up to her while I give her a hug.

"How was your trip or whatever?" I asked her.

"It was fine and how was your day with Kol?" She asked me and I blush and it's clearly manifest.

"It was fine." I manage to say.

"Oh come on spill." Freya says with smirk on her face.

"Well Kol and I had a date last night and it was the perfect date. Literally. It was the best night I ever had." I admit to her.

"Wow. Sounds like you two hit it off." Freya says and I smile. " Well you will have to tell me all about it later. I am starving." Freya suddenly says and I am hungry as well.

"Good Morning Ladies." Miss Lily says rather cheerful.

"Good Morning Miss Lily." Freya says to her.

"It's good to have you back Freya." She says.

"Thank you Miss Lily. It really means a lot." Freya says to her.

"Here is your guys breakfast." She says passing us each our plate.

"Thank you Miss Lily." I say to her and she smiles happily.

As me and Freya eat our delicious breakfast. I explain to her all the details about Kol and I date and she was at aww the whole time. It was literally so romantic. She said she felt she was in a romance movie just listening to me say it.

After we finished our breakfast I decided to go check on Kol and see where he is. I didn't see him for breakfast at all this morning. I went up to his room and knock on his door but no answer. I checked all the rooms and found no sign of him.

I go outside the front porch to see him and I see Kol sitting at the docks. I walk over there to him and call his name. "Kol!" He doesn't respond. "Kol." I call again. He still has his back turn.

I go over to touch his shoulders but he flinches me off and turns with his face full of veins and his fangs popping out. Kol's mouth is dripped with blood and he has a half full blood bag in his hand.

Kol doesn't scare me the slightest because I've seen a vampires true face before but I wouldn't lie that it made me jump a little.

"Kol calm down." I say to me him and he closes his eyes and his veins and fangs disappear. He grabs a napkin from his packet and wipes his mouth off.

"I'm sorry about that darling." He apologizes.

"Are you okay?" I suddenly asked him.

"I'm fine it's just........ I haven't been drinking blood in a few days and normally when that happens, I end up killing people but I don't want to do that anymore." Kol admits to me.

"It's okay." I say to him.

"No it's not. It's very hard to control my blood lust. It always have been. I'm what they call a psychotic maniac." Kol says and I laugh when he called himself a manic.

"Your a very hot manic." I compliment but Kol rolls his eyes and sigh.

"Please don't make this into a joke darling. I could hurt you and that's the last thing I want to do." Kol says as he turns his face away from me.

"Hey." I say turning his face to look at me. "You will be fine and you can never hurt me. I trust you and I believe that you can control your blood lust. You just have to fight the urge." I tell him.

"How could you have this much fate in me?" Kol questions me.

"Because a little vampire told me that I don't think you can control it. I know you can control it." I say to him and Kol smiles.

"Thank you Davina." Kol says and he leans in to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

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